To the fine human beings who screwed me and my friends at Ipanema on Friday:

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I don't see ANY reason that this would cause you to be banned. I'd kill people over this, personally. Was this the Brazilian resturant in NYC? If any of you forumers here are the ones who skipped out, time to pay the piper. IMMEDIATELY!
Do the RIGHT thing.

J-Dubya - Forum Moderator
I'm pretty sure that I remember putting in my $20 for my food. I wouldn't ever be that much of a dick to skip out on a meal. But if it turns out that I didn't, then I'd be willing to do whatever I need to make up for it.

And Ken didn't eat anything 'cept for that little taste of Matt's Dulce de Leche, so that knocks him off the list.
Well, the other factor I haven't mentioned yet, is that there was a 20% gratuity included. Which would have been roughly $80 on a $400 check. (Total was $500, we had only a little over $400 before we had to start putting in extra).

So, even if you did pay for your food, maybe you forgot to take that into account? And the tax?

I don't know what happened or why it happened, all I know is we were almost $100 short, and that is more than what the gratuity was...

In the future, always stick around to be sure you've put in enough. The bottom line is that certain people disappeared before the rest of us were even able to count everyone's money and discover how much was missing. Whether it's an innocent mistake or not, that is the real fuckup right there. You don't just throw money on the table and walk out. You show respect for the other people paying and make sure everything's cool. That way even if no one can figure out what went wrong, 12 people can each throw in an extra few bucks, instead of 3 people having to throw in more... And that way, you don't look like the person/people who bolted and screwed everyone else.
Dude FYI Milton and another dude split before we did, and as far as I am aware, we paid for everything we bought before leaving including the gratuity. (I didn't even buy anything at all).

Please don't blow this out of proportion, seriously. I know that it sucks but I don't see why we're the ones to blame here.
Dude FYI Milton and another dude split before we did, and as far as I am aware, we paid for everything we bought before leaving including the gratuity. (I didn't even buy anything at all).

Please don't blow this out of proportion, seriously. I know that it sucks but I don't see why we're the ones to blame here.

Milton had one drink, which I agreed to pay for before he left. The other dude was Jeremy, and he drank 3 Cokes and didn't have any food.

There's no blowing this out of proportion, it is what it is. Like I said, I don't know what happened, I just know who were the first ones to disappear without being sure that everything was accounted for. See my previous post... it's always polite and generally considered common courtesy to stay until the check is paid. What was everyone's hurry? We were all going to the same place, and at that point the doors had been open for almost 2 hours... were you all hoping to get front row?

I take your word (and Ptah's) that you didn't get anything to eat. It doesn't make me any less pissed that we had to fork over that much extra cash, when it would have taken only an extra 5 minutes of everyone's time to stick around and make sure everything was cool before running out. Whether anyone was in the wrong or not, you can't blame me or anyone else for pointing the finger your way first. Who knows, maybe someone on our end of the table lied right to our faces... If you all would have waited 5 extra minutes, you wouldn't have been suspected in the first place.
I can blame you though for flipping out at US particularly on a public forum with harsh accusations without even clarifying what went down, bro.

We may have split a little fast, and I apologize for that, but I assure you it seemed (and still seems) that we had our part covered for the bill.

The hurry was that it was already past 7:40 and we were several blocks away from the venue. We had joined you late for dinner. Again, apologies for zipping out, but again, we were covered.
This is directed at the motherfuckers who decided to sit down and order $20 steak dinners at Ipanema, and who then were the quickest to disappear once the bill was presented, shorting me and my friends roughly $100.

You had better hope I never see any of you ever again.

I don't care what the reason was. You don't sit down and eat at a fucking restaurant unless you can afford to pay for what you eat. It's not polite to fuck over people you don't even know. (The people you showed up with were not the ones who ended up paying for your huge fuckup, as they were not even aware you had left without paying...) Seriously, have some class.

I know several other people who read this forum who were there with me and my girlfriend and can vouch for who paid and who didn't and by how much...

It wholehartedly sucks that this happened to you, and I really hope the dudes fess up and agree to compensate you. However, that's what you get for inviting people at a restaurant that you only know anonymously over the internet. If you didn't actually invite them (since you said that they "decided to sit down") and just let them sit at your table and order, that's even worse on your part. You have no right to threaten people by saying "I hope I never see you again" and go on a forum and tell people about what is morally/ethically right when you have no qualms letting random people order food at your table and not at least kept an eye on them. I agree that you are blowing this out of proportion. Grin and bear it dude (be happy that it was only $100 and not much more considering that these are people you don't know that could have really taken advantage of you). Shit happens.

But again, I *do* hope that the people made an honest mistake and agree to pay you back.

*Edit: Want to make it clear that I'm merely giving my 2 cents from observing your initial post and that's all.
Just so you all know, I'm just trying to be as easy about this as I can.

So am I.

Kenneth... I'm not the only one who was pissed, nor am I the only one who accused you, and it wasn't my idea alone to post about it here - I was just the first one to stick my neck out and do it. Apology accepted, and I apologize for accusing anyone directly of anything. All I could have hoped to accomplish by my post would have been for the one person at fault (or however many) to realize they fucked up and apologize. The fact remains, regardless of who was at fault, that it was a shitty thing to do, and if I have the means and the opportunity to point that out (so that maybe the person(s) in question won't do it to someone else), I will...
Yeah...except it wasn't us random people who are the money owers. If it were, you'd already have an email from paypal about me, I'd pay for any of their blunders.
However, that's what you get for inviting people at a restaurant that you only know anonymously over the internet.

Didn't invite 'em... But, thanks for assuming I'm that much of a fucking retard to invite people I only know from an internet forum to an expensive dinner.

If you didn't actually invite them (since you said that they "decided to sit down") and just let them sit at your table and order, that's even worse on your part.

How, exactly?! You can't be serious...

Was I supposed to tell friends of friends to sit somewhere else? When your friends bring their friends, if you trust your friends, you kinda have to trust those people too. You're making it seem like I let bums off the street sit right next to me and was supposed to somehow be responsible for their actions? What was I, a fucking chaperone? It was hard to keep an eye on them let alone even hear any of the conversation down on the opposite end of a table of 16 people.

Thanks for turning this around on me. I guess I was the sucker for not being an asshole? Next time I eat with people I don't know, even if they are friends of friends, I will be sure to be more of a dick. Because basically you're saying I got screwed because of my own stupidity. And who are you to say whether I have the right to say something on a public forum? What right do you have to even comment or fucking judge me when you weren't even there? Your assumptions about me are no better than any of my assumptions (which were at least reasonably arrived at) about who may or may not have been responsible.

Shit happens.

Like your post? *grinning and bearing it*
And who are you to say whether I have the right to say something on a public forum? What right do you have to even comment or fucking judge me when you weren't even there?

I'm merely voicing my opinion as this is a public forum after all :D. You're making threats to people over a forum who could have easily made an honest mistake (and I'm sure threatening them is going to help get your money back btw...). Big difference.

What was I, a fucking chaperone? It was hard to keep an eye on them let alone even hear any of the conversation down on the opposite end of a table of 16 people.

Translation: I have a bunch of people at my table, many of which who I don't know, but I am not responsible for them in any way shape or form even though they are at *my* table at a party which I am the host of. For all I know, they could order 10 $200 bottles of wine and take a shit on all my friends' plates but it's not my fault whatsoever since I'm not responsbile for them.

That's awesome... lol

Anyways I'm done here, good luck man.
Who says I'm trying to get any money back? I personally put in $20 extra. $20 is not that important to me. The fact that me and 4 other people had to compensate for an unaccounted for $100, is important to me. Maybe I sound selfish when I say I'm pissed that my FRIENDS had to put in extra money.

More assumptions, and without reading any of my other posts... Nicely done.

Translation: I have a bunch of people at my table, many of which who I don't know, but I am not responsible for them in any way shape or form even though they are at *my* table at a party which I am the host of.

Who says I was the fucking host?! Unbelievable... Seriously, just quit while you're behind. Your posts are even worse than my initial one, which I'll even admit was a little harsh.

Since this was a get together between friends, there really was no host, and no one was any more in charge of or responsible for anyone than anyone else. Thank you, though, once again, for assuming I'm an idiot.
Who says I'm trying to get any money back?

You said it, then deleted your original post like a PUSSY.

BTW, thanks a lot for that steak dinner! It was delicious! :heh:

I'd like to think that it was YOUR $20 that paid for my dinner! I only regret not ordering dessert before I left! :lol: Next time, try not to be so much of a schmuck.
Ok, i heard about this first thing off the plane (what a wonderful thing to hear after 5 hours of sitting around then 6 hours of flying).

here's the deal bro: We were invited by Milton and Matt, we did not just show up and sit down. We ordered our food, and i paid for yasmin, myself and ken (who didn't have anything, but got a drink ordered for him which he didn't drink.) Here's what we ordered between the three of us (prices taken from

Frango Grelhado ($15.75)
i had a steak, and the most expensive thing in the steak section (aside from the lamb which i KNOW i did not have) is $17.95
and between the three of us, 5 drinks which i was told by both matt and milton were $6 each, so $30 for drinks.

$16 + $18 + $30 = $64

Tax and gratuity right? 20% gratuity on $64 is $12.80, so $13 for sake of ease. NY Tax on $64 (again, i'll round up and use 9%) is $5.76, so $6.

$64 + $13 + $6 = $83. I put down $80, so if you really want me to paypal you $3, i will. However, i think it's pretty weak that you'd go and accuse us of skipping out on $100 dollars when i shorted you 3 by accident (sorry i didn't whip out my calculator and figure out every little bit). Also, i'd like to mention that i probably spent between $40 and $50 on bottles of water at the show for people in the crowd, including Matt. Now i wasn't asked to do that and no, no one is obligated to take it into account on the restaurant bill, but again i think it's weak that you're calling my integrity into question when i did nothing but provide people around me with water (even random people who i have no clue who they are and just needed a fuckin' drink) at my expense. Again, it was my choice and i'm not complaining, but that doesn't sound like something someone would do and skip out on a dinner bill, right?

I flew from washington to meet everyone and i had a great time with everyone at dinner. It was a cool group of people, and it's a little frustrating that this has to be brought up in public like 3 days after the fact instead of just giving me a call while i was still in the city. Again, i'll send you 3 bucks to smooth things out, but i don't owe any of that. hell, even 3 bucks is rounding up on EVERYTHING. It just sucks that we all figured we had a fun time, then accusations start getting thrown around.

Last point: Yeah, we bailed from dinner quickly, but i threw down the cash before heading out. Again, i flew from washington and spent a bunch of money on airfare, tickets, hotel, etc. Ken drove from NH. I wasn't going to miss a second of the concert just because people couldn't do the math and figure out the bill. That's not fair to us.

Anyway, that's it. Sorry i wasn't here earlier on in the convo to explain everything, but i was on a plane flight. And Milton, Jeremy and Matt are all my friends too, so it's not like we're just random ass dudes going to the show who sat down at your table. Sorry the introductions weren't made any better, i'll keep that in mind for next time. But dude, seriously if there's a problem, send me a PM. I'm a reasonable person, and i always try to pay more than my share if anything.

Hope this clears some things up.
lol, I haven't got much of an idea what this is about seeing as I wasn't there, but I'd be pissed if I was FreakAccident as well. Gay when people don't pay their way somewhere and you're left to cover.

I totally understand where he's coming from. Someone didn't pay their share and that sucks. I'm just none too pleased that since he didn't know me or the other three of us when we walked in the door, we get pegged with the blame.
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