To the fuck who keep giving me bad rep


Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
Fuck you
Your better off dead
Why dont you leave yer name next to the little bad reps you give me? Your a fuckin coward and a stupid ass fuck!
So go fuck yourself
If I ever see you in life i will slice open your stomac, pull out your intestines and shove them in your mouth!
pffsshh.... people need to learn to respect others and their opinions.....just shows that they are closed minded fucks who cant accept anothers choice..... but then again..... do ya really think u should be saying bad shit about the band at the official board? :lol:
the In Flames board isnt official, they closed the official one down since too many people flamed Reroute, thats why everyone gets so pissed at me :lol:
I and Needled24Seven are pissing the fanboy army off a bit over there :lol:
:lol: I seem to be pissing off someone here.... I dont know who yet..... but what the fuck did i ever do to him..... im nice to everyone here....
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go ahead i dont give a fuck if u kill the little shit
btw not trying to post useless thread man..... just showing how fuckin pissed off i am