Hello there,
Sometimes I come here to flame and curse as these boards are mostly filled with the AYDY newbie fans that I loathe. Anyway, I'm here to post my opinions regarding the new COB DVD as a person who's liked only 4 songs out of the new album.
It kicks fucking ass. I have Tokyo Warhearts, my copy is autographed by every single person in the band. And I'm here to say STOP COMPARING Tokyo Warhearts with Chaos Ridden Years. It's just a kickass concert, even without the songs we love from Something Wild (Deadnight Warrior and Touch...) and only a few from Hatebreeder.
It still kicks a huge ammount of ass. And this is coming from a person that likes to flame COB's new fans.
Actually I still like to flame you, this message is for the old fans who are too close minded to give this one a chance. It's justmaterial, damn straight.
That's all.
Here you actually gain all the cred back that you lost. *gives another trophy* Way to start off like a dick, and then come full circle, congrats!CRY is good, people's opinions of it vary though, I personally loved it and well.. I agree with everything you said, except for implying that AYDY sucked.
Anyways, peace... I'm off to watch the IYF dvd.
I don't give a rat's ass about your opinions, and I'm amazed you'd even bother commenting to what I posted
So shut the fuck up and don't post if you don't care of the opinions.
I do. Seriously.
I don't mean I base my life about opinion, but I can't live all by my own and ignore people around me...
omg i luv youSometimes I come here to flame and curse as these boards are mostly filled with the AYDY newbie fans that I loathe.
It's funny how you'd imagine I'm here to "gain credit" or anything like that. I'll bite, though, mainly because I would like one point to get across: I don't give a rat's ass about your opinions, and I'm amazed you'd even bother commenting to what I posted, given I started as a complete asshole in my message.
That was mainly aimed at the nay-sayers, not a novice wannabe hip kid of the boards with way too much time on his hands. I understand that most of them have fled this place since the horde of spineless fanbois invaded and threw their vomit everywhere around here, but there's always hope in my pure, innocent eyes.
You misinterpret some of what I've said for the sake of flaming, and well, I don't care. I hope your next witty remark pleases your little friends and makes you the popular cocksucker you aim so hard to be. Goodbye and thank you for your attention.
+ ONESo shut the fuck up and don't post if you don't care of the opinions.
hahahaa that loser heartless name doesn't even know what a skinflute is...man, he's pathetic...and he's calling me 14?!