Toast to the extras

Baseball is boring to me too. Just to lame, not enough action.
Soccer can be boring too.
I dig hockey and Football.
I watch almost every Red Wings game, and have Lions season tickets. (don't laugh.............oh...go ahead and laugh)
Soccer can be extremely boring when two shite teams are playing but how about this game man u v real . that is the tie of the champions league without a shadow.

AlexStomp i used to hate both cricket and baseball but i have since gotten to more or less know the rules and cricket gets it even though it takes a whole day to play a one dayer.

I like both american football and rugby. Rugby gets the nod on that one i just think its a tougher sport thats all.

hockey v football is the next matchup i would imagine. I think hockey has to take it here i get sick and tired of players earning megabucks prancing about like a ponce and looking for a perfect ten dive everytime a player comes close to him. Hockey wins here.
wullief said:
Hockey v football is the next matchup i would imagine. I think hockey has to take it here i get sick and tired of players earning megabucks prancing about like a ponce and looking for a perfect ten dive everytime a player comes close to him. Hockey wins here.

Have you seen some of the salarys for hockey players?
i do know that hockey players earn a huge amount, thats the current nature of sport that gets huge tv coverage. I was commenting though on the type of game and got into my usual rant of how football players are overrated chumps.

But being from a country where football is the dominant sport and is one of the backwater leagues in europe (scottish football is nowhere near the standard of the premiership or la liga) i have watched guys earn a good half million pounds a year diving as if they were an olympic diver and cant even kick a ball to save themselves.
if its a nice day i reckon baseball would be ok, least you get a bit of sun and some hotdogs :)

me an nba man i miss the coverage out that way.....may ball is coming tho, yay, go kings........time to get round a mates house with a satelite

but heavy interest in ahem.... "soccer" too, cmon the saints !!! all the way to cardiff this year !!!!
You have to understand all the subtleties in baseball to enjoy it. Plus, it's cheaper than going to a football or hockey game. Oh and the girls. In football they're all bundled up, in hockey, they're all ugly, in baseball, they're all wearing tube tops and booty shorts and chugging beer.
AlexStomp said:
Oh and the girls. In football they're all bundled up
That's why you should check out the Canadian Football League, where the first three quarters of the season are in summer months...they only need to get bundled up for the last few weeks of the season.

(A side note, apparently that's how Pamela Anderson got her "break"...she was at a game, and the Jumbotron was panning the crowd and spent some time focussing on her :lol: )
AlexStomp said:
Baseball is way better than cricket. Football is better than rugby. And soccer is just a chore for housewife mothers.

i think it would be great if amercians took cricket on board seriously,its played in so many countries,the thing about baseball that i do not understand is why do all of the fielders get to wear gloves it makes no sense to me?

only the catcher should have the mits in my opinion,i cant wait for the rugby union world cup its gonna kick ass!!!
The way us jocks are playing i can only see us just managing to get to the quarter finals then getting annihalated by one of the big guns. So much for the autumn tests bringing a new confidence for scottish rugby.