today only: free reamping

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
free deathmetal reamping!

I'll reamp up to 5 doubletracked songs (of the same band) for free (only today).
the catch: I'm limiting the options, what you'll get is your tracks reamped through a 2ch Recto on one side and an Überschall on the other side.
Cab will be Bogner Übercab, both speakers mic'd (m160 plus sm7 or AT250DE).

it'll be brutal as fuck, probably best suited for death metal...
give me a shout if you're interested
Whoooho my lucky day, still offering? Wrote you a PM with Links to the DI Tracks and Guide Track. Nothing fancy though, just one of my songs. :loco:
got your DI's first...downloading now.

Lurker was first to post though....lurker: if you manage to get the DIs to me soon I'll reamp yours too.

Elmoe: do you have a backing w/o guits?
Sounds interesting, I never really liked how the Übercab sounds through an sm57. Unfortunately I have nothing right now that needs reamping, but it would be nice if you people could share the results.