Tolkki (Stratovarius) mentions ProgPowerUSA

"And I do *crowd gasps* agree with him on the Stratovarius fans. How people do need to realize this is a BAND, and not some political regime or something."

But that isn't really relevant to the discussion at hand. No one is "bashing" their music. At least that's not the focus of THIS thread. Nor is anyone attacking their stellar track record. they've released some CLASSIC power/speed/neoclassical metal discs over the years.

What IS under discussion is the fact that Mr. Tolkki is a loose cannon whose life is being ruined by out-of-control drinking.

And by the way, I have no axe to grind here. I, for one, truly hope that Tolkki and Co. can get it back together and go on putting out quality music for years to come. But I have my serious doubts.
I almost feel sorry for him that he doesnt realize how much bad publicity he is making for himself.......but what can you do. If he is just going crazy...I wouldnt be angry (its not crazy people's fault that they are psycho)...but if he was just being plain stupid..thats a different story. But I dont know the exact whole story any way..just peices here and there from what I rummaged up.
Don't get me wrong either, I have every single Strato album released. Tolkki has always been pretty much a dictator. Hell, this isnt even his band!! The original drummer Tuomas Laasila formed Strat and came up with the name but Tolkki booted his ass after Fourth Dimension, talk about fucked up. Anyways, he has written some great music and he might might MIGHT be able to salvage himself and the remainders of Stratovarius, but he keeps shooting himself in the foot by bitching about things like Prog Power not being a good deal and then his just weird incomprehensible alcohol fuelad antics.

Daybreaker said:
Don't get me wrong either, I have every single Strato album released. Tolkki has always been pretty much a dictator. Hell, this isnt even his band!! The original drummer Tuomas Laasila formed Strat and came up with the name but Tolkki booted his ass after Fourth Dimension, talk about fucked up.
Fucked up... how? Timo wrote everything. All the material was his, and he became the leader by carrying the band. Therefore, it was his. :)
Look not that i am one of these anti-america kind of person but most of the power metal bands don't really care about the american market b/c they don't need and most important b/c they know that they won't have any chances to compete with the American bands, which are totally diffrent from them in style and music, expect for the gothic bands and death/black metal bands like Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Opeth and myabe Lacuna Coil.
I mean look at Angra when they to go Japan, France or Germany they play in soccer stadiums and when they came to the US tour they played for not more than 300 a night not counting that concert in NC when they played for about 15 ppl. My point is if they are making anough money playing only outisde the US why would they come here and waste their time and after all just cover their expenses?
I feel unless some power metal band in the states ended becoming extremely popular in the US....only then will more european power metal bands come to the states. I can imagine how expensive it is for them to fly over. Not worth it...I agree. People are too hung up on emocore, punk, and nu metal at the moment. But actually...a lot of good punk sounds like power I can see a heavy switch if power metal fans got a hold of emo/punk kids. And then eventually..they will get into Progressive metal maybe. But that is just a thought...I doubt it would happen.

Edu_Falaschi said:
Look not that i am one of these anti-america kind of person but most of the power metal bands don't really care about the american market b/c they don't need and most important b/c they know that they won't have any chances to compete with the American bands, which are totally diffrent from them in style and music, expect for the gothic bands and death/black metal bands like Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Opeth and myabe Lacuna Coil.
I mean look at Angra when they to go Japan, France or Germany they play in soccer stadiums and when they came to the US tour they played for not more than 300 a night not counting that concert in NC when they played for about 15 ppl. My point is if they are making anough money playing only outisde the US why would they come here and waste their time and after all just cover their expenses?
Angra doesn't play soccer stadiums out in Europe and Japan, but they do get some big crowds in those places, in between 5 and 10 thousand people. I totally aggree that it's too damn expensive to fly into the US and play for smaller crowds. The bands get money to play the shows (if you think, it's not that much anyway), some merchandise is sold, but in the end, they still didn't make as much money as they could've or wished they did. Though there are some bands that I wish to see over here, I doubt some of them will ever play the US.
All this shit about bands not wanting to play over here is fucked up! For a real opinion on the matter watch the interview with Zakk Wylde on the Black Label Society DVD...A REAL MUSICIAN who loves playin for any of his fans...
Evergore said:
All this shit about bands not wanting to play over here is fucked up! For a real opinion on the matter watch the interview with Zakk Wylde on the Black Label Society DVD...A REAL MUSICIAN who loves playin for any of his fans...

Why don't u just tell us?