Tom mics


formerly known as Unicorn
Nov 3, 2001
I guess it's not the first tom-thread. But I'd like to know which mic you prefer for Toms.
I must say I only really like Shure Beta 98 soundwise. But I don't really like the handling. The mechanism isn't really steady and when the drummers hit hard it tends to "sink" down.
I'd like to buy a similar mic.

I've used MD421, 441 (pretty good too), Sennheiser e604, e904
But I think the Beta 98 is far better.
So maybe there's a mic I don't know and will be perfect for my liking :)
I quite like the 421, but since I only have one of them and four toms, I mic up the kit with 57s and then sometimes replace the SM57s with Gogs made out of the toms recorded with the 421.

Makes the other tom thread about gating a little easier too. Since the Gog only gets trigger wherever I set the peaks, there is no bleed from the tom mics.

Sometimes I enjoy the proximity effect from the 57s on the toms, since they are the smaller fusion sizes. I suppose it all depends on the sound you're going for. :)
i've actually been hearing more and more about people liking the beta98 recently. I wonder if anyone makes a sturdier mechanism for them hmm
I'd love to have the chance to use 421's on toms properly. Before I have experimented with different mics at school on toms, but never really had the time to play around properly. Since that, I have used 57's on toms, and been very surprised with the results. They have always come out a lot better than I expected. Of course thats not to say I wouldn't have had better results with 421's (or anything else), but spending the time to get everything sounding good has made a much bigger difference than a different choice of mics has.
I'm mixing a buddies CD right now... I'll post a rough sample of it in a couple days... its not metal, by ANY means... but I think I got a pretty good drum sound without any trigged samples...

yeah, i'll post it up either later today or tomorrow...

EDIT: the point of my post was that I used 57's on the toms...
I used beta56 recently and was very pleased with the result.
I made a shootout some months ago and I must say that 421 and D2 aren't very different IMO. And after that shootout I decided to never use sm57 again:puke:
Hast Du die in Deutschland gekauft oder in Amerika bestellt?

to be honest...don't really know ;)

I used to teach acoustics, recording/production at the german campus of an american college, the mics were the college's ones and I got'em when they quit the german campus (didn't pay off I guess) and I did all the Inventory stuff for them etc....
I don't really know if they bought'em here or over there.
In the ass of your..? ;)

Ich hab's über einen Bekannten laufen lassen, der hat dann angegeben sie wären nur 10 $ wert. Daher war's im Endeffekt immer noch viel billiger. Hab 100 $ gespart nach Abzug aller Kosten. Und das bei EINEM mikro.

Ok, sorry for the German talk. Back to topic.
I need more money.
D2 for rack toms, D4 for floor toms. Little 3k, drop a bit of 400Hz, maybe push the low shelf at 80Hz, DONE!!