Tom Phillips (WHW) Briefly Talks About New Material

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
:headbang:On his Facebook page, Tom from While Heaven Wept posted a few tidbits about new material. For one, he's finished composing the newest album that should be recorded in 2012. And then he said he's onto really getting into the NEXT album after that. Wow! This is what he had to say:

"So, having completed the compositions for the next WHW several weeks ago, I guess it's safe to say that I'm onto the NEXT next album at this point...and they could not be more disparate from each other and the rest of the discography; the imminent is METAL as fuck...yet the clearly going to be lush and in the culmination of the end of "Shore", "Finality" and "VOL"....schizophrenia is great isn't it?"

Further down...

"As far as the latest developments...imagine if you will, for a moment, Alcest, Mono, Kitaro, Klaus Schulze, and Chopin in an insane asylum being medicated by Quorthon and John Archambault and you'll be somewhere in the ballpark of the NEXT next album...but's all about Warlord, Holy Terror, and early Fates (both Warning and the Mercyful)"

My commentary:

Crazy amount of influences, but all awesome. WHW has me chomping at the bit! Also, they're playing some thing in Atlanta next year IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T HEARD!