Tomas Lindberg circa 2004


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
What are your thoughts on Tomas Lindberg today?

I just heard Terra Incognito by THE GREAT DECEIVER, and musically it 'aint bad. Good riffs played with some feeling, funky drumming...but the death vocals...shit, what happened to this guy? It's almost as if he just turned up, did the vocals in one take, and left for the day. NIGHTRAGE anyone? :D There are some clean'ish vocals here or there, but they become drowned out after all that screaming.

I know some of you prefer death vocals over clean vocals, but shit, if death vocals are dumbed down to just aimless screams down the mic, I don't think there is much else that can ruin an entire record. It just becomes annoying, like a fly buzzing around your ear. :tickled:

I dunno, I guess I'll always remember him for his AtG stuff, even including Slaughter of the Soul and tracks like "Cold" where you could hear real torment in his vox, and more importantly, with some level of intonation in the delivery.
I was excited to hear Nightrage for his vocals, but like the music, they didn't do much for me. That fucker used to be INTENSE too, very energetic frontman. He said "WE LOVE YOU GUYS BUT WE'VE GOTTA GO!!" about 50 times when I saw At the Gates many years ago.

What did I give that Nightrage album, a 7/10? Way too fuckin' high, I must've been feeling nice that day. :loco:
This is simple. At the Gates played death metal. The Great Deceiver is more or less a hardcore band hence the different vocal styles.

Go listen to Skitsystem, the crust band he sings for, and you'll hear rawer, grindier vocals.
Sometimes it's funny to me that these "famous" musicians still have to hold real jobs like the rest of us schmucks.
Dolores fucking sucks. They never reply to e-mails or phone calls and they never send your orders. Btw, Mikael Stanne used to work there in the early 90s.
In extreme metal people can't live on their music (with a few exceptions)

Dolores kinda suck, yes. When I order from there I place my order online and then call them to see what they have and what they don't, then I can make corrections as I speak (How I got Vikingligr Veldi instead of Frost, great exchange since VV is fucking awesome)
His vocals on Nightrage were pretty good, but far from his best work.

No idea bout The Great Deceiver, but his vocals on the Crown's 2nd-to-last album fucking killed. That was only (I think) 2 years ago if even.
If they don't have it you might get an e-mail when they restock (like I recently did, nice of them since I think they like me when they do such things) a few years after you ordered.
Dreamlord has it right. His vocals don't suck on The Great Deciever. They just happen to not be death metal. The Great Deciever RULLLLLLLLLLEZZZZZZZZZZZ!

I also really like his stuff with Lock Up. That's an awesome grind album.
Listening to Terra Incognito for the first time right now, I only know this is Lindberg on vocals because I was told beforehand. He sounds bored and lifeless, but it kinda fits the music (in a good way).

Reminds me a bit of Helmet, but much heavier yet somehow mellow at the same time. *picks nose*
NAD said:
Listening to Terra Incognito for the first time right now, I only know this is Lindberg on vocals because I was told beforehand. He sounds bored and lifeless, but it kinda fits the music (in a good way).

Reminds me a bit of Helmet, but much heavier yet somehow mellow at the same time. *picks nose*
I don't think he sounds bored. Maybe you'll get more out of it after a few listens. The Great Deceiver is easily one of the best hardcore groups out there right now.
You people need to quit comparing his performance in TGD to his performances in ATG. Two different bands. Two different musical styles.
Dammit I didn't convey that properly, because I like the vocals. I guess calling his vocals relaxed would be a better term to use. I listened to the first 3 tracks and liked them.
Terra Incognito ain't bad. Although, after one listen I can tell it ain't no A Venom Well Designed. Some of the clean vocals are gay, and they tried to be too experimental at times, whereas AVWD was brilliant in its straightforwardness.

The packaging s gay.

But the band receives bonus points for that one dude wearing a Kiss It Goodbye shirt.
I had mostly the same thoughts after only a few listens, but several listens later it got quite a bit better. Of course, I like the experimental stuff more than you it seems.
Terra Incognito bludgeons my testicles, maybe I should pick up A Venom Well Designed when I have some cash in 2014.