What 2004 releases have disappointed you thus far...

I forgot about The Great Deceiver. Certainly one of my biggest disappointments of the year.

Even the Today is the Day album was a step down I thought.
You need to read the interview in the new Terrorizer regarding Today is the Day.

Steve Austin states that he wasn't trying to out-do anything he had done before. He simply wanted to make an album that went for the throat. Nothing more, nothing less. I think he succeeded. No, it isn't as original as any of their other albums, but it is still easily one of the best grind albums of year.

Speaking of new grind albums, Nasum is supposed to have a new one soon.

What about the new Red Harvest? Has it been released?

And I'd love to hear Jesu!
We got a promo forever ago and I reviewed it for MetalReview. Its a pretty solid album. I recently heard something about a delay, but can't remember why. I don't think it was going to be a significant delay.
good. the three previous albums from them (especially Hybreed) have done nothing but get better with time.
No album has been a serious stinker so far, but I've been slightly underwhelmed by albums from The Haunted, Amon Amarth, Vintersorg, In Flames compared to what I expected.
Nate The Great said:
The new Shadows Fall is starting to fizzle a little quicker than I hoped. But that's probably partly because new Lamb of God and Converge are kicking me in the mams.
Hey Nate, am I going nuts or did I read somewhere that both Chris Poland and Alex Skolnick feature on the new Lamb of God?
Decapitated's album was a bit bland for the band that put out "Winds of Creation." I can't say I've really been disappointed by anything though, most of the music I've heard from this year was by bands I'd never heard from in the past and the albums I expected to be good (Vintersorg and Borknagar) were better than I could have ever expected. 2004 has seriously ruled, though I wish Arghoslent would update their site so I know if they've got a winter release on their new album to brighten an already incredible year. Speaking of Arghoslent, I should have some goodies on the way, more info later. :loco:
Doomcifer said:
I afree my vreothter LAPTOPS SUCK. :err:

The new Danzig is disappointing. Not bad, but not good. I expected more with Tommy Victor Back in the fold. Black Angel / White Angel rules though.

Ablbum of the yera so far is Hate Forest - Battlefields. Only real possible 9/10 release so far. Maybe the new Megadeth. MAbye.
In Flames didn't disappoint me. It was as bad as I expected it to be.

Iced Earth would have disappointed me, but I've gotten into so much better music since the beginning of this year that album is irrelevant.
Isis Panopticon- Oceanic is one of my favorite records ever. This new one is pretty average, the drumming is mediocre, the songs are way too melodic, the buildups arent there, nor the heaviness. Its just blah.

I love the new eyes of fire, so we have different opinions on that one J.
Yeah alot of people like it. Its just my opinion- its not a fact or anyhting. But man I was bored and let down by the new album, especially because I compare it to oceanic.