Tommy Karevik is the Best Male Vocalist of 2008


New Metal Member
Jul 14, 2005
Hello again to all! Just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that Progressive Melodies has given Tommy the Best Male Vocalist of 2008 award.

Also, to Tommy: I couldn't find a great picture of just you online I stole your MySpace picture. Let me know if that's not cool by you.

Anyway, you can all check out my heaping praise of Tommy here: :)

The bottom line was that "Karevik handles all of his various vocal duties on Mercy Falls with a quality that fully exceeds even the high expectations set by his performances on the band's second album, Waiting in the Wings." "In all, there simply wasn't a stronger male vocal performance this year."
Yep, I already knew that.
His performance on WITW and especially MF is mindblowing ........:worship:notworthy.

Good to know though that I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Congratulations Tommy. You bloody earned it my friend! There are some amazing power/prog vocalists out there, but i don't think any of them have your specific qualities that match SW so well.
Hey Everyone!! Just wanted to drop by and say thank you for the "unconditional" love and support that you guys are showing me and the band!!! Awesome indeed!! Let`s hope that 2009 will be the best year in SW`s history!

Happy new year!

Tommy, I'm sure 2009 will be the best year so far!!

Already two awesome festivals booked and more and more people have gotten to know SW in the last couple of months.
I really hope you guys can tour (some parts of) Europe in the nearby future, you need/deserve to go out there and PLAY..........:headbang:!!
ab-so-lu-te-ly... the last months of 2008 gave us so many great special moments : MF issues, italian tour, Great 09 Festivals confirmations, that we are so excited to begin this new year that in our prayers WILL BE SEVENTH WONDER's YEAR !!

Best wishes :kickass: to all of you guys, old & new SW fans included
HAVE A GREAT METAL 2009 !!!! :headbang:
You really have some voice and you officialy got credit for it :)
Can't wait hearing you in new album. But live...that's quite impossible :'(