
Well, it comes in one of those 'super jewel case' things, - that some people here dislike, if I recall correctly - and that's in a slipcase. And the artwork is zoomed in parts of the artwork you already know. And a picture of the band on the back (of the slipcase and the actual case). Yeah, I'm crap at explaining stuff like this.

Anyway, all in all it's a very nice design, I feel.
i've ordered's going to be quite a while(about 2 weeks until i get it) but now i have a clean conscience about downloading it from p2p
and so i have...and it fucking rocks...kind of lacking Dan's touch, but it's nice to hear Mike again.
can't wait for the wacken dvd
As I posted in the other thread, I itunes'd it. And pre-ordered it. And it kicks ass. Certain sections remind me of RTC, except with better drumming. (No offense to Dan, but he's not the greatest DM drummer). On that note, Axe kicks ass. It's faster than NMF and he handles the speed exceptionally well. So glad I spent the extra $3.96 on it. Now I can listen to this while waiting for my next class!
No fucking CD today either. :(

I ordered a movie from Asia a few years ago and i had in the mail in 2 days.
And now its taking 4(more?) days from fucking london. Incredible.
Mail from the UK always arrives late here somehow, from every other destination (overseas as well) no problem, but from the UK, always slow, weird and plain f*cking annoying, so I'd be reeeeaaaally surprised if I'd find the CD on the doormat tonight when I come home from work.
No fucking CD today either. :(

I ordered a movie from Asia a few years ago and i had in the mail in 2 days.
And now its taking 4(more?) days from fucking london. Incredible.

No :erk: its always like this im kinda used to it...
Mail from the UK always arrives late here somehow, from every other destination (overseas as well) no problem, but from the UK, always slow, weird and plain f*cking annoying, so I'd be reeeeaaaally surprised if I'd find the CD on the doormat tonight when I come home from work.
Just came home and guess what, haha!! *acts reeeeaaaally surprised* :D