

intuit Studios
Apr 21, 2012
San Diego, CA
Directed at Joey and everybody else:
What toms are you using?

I'm trying to use SSD4 Toms (Maple) and I'm not sure if I fancy them.
I like the Dorsia Toms that Joey recorded, but there's some weird resonances from them that I don't care for. Has anybody found toms that totally kill George of the Jungle's theme song?
shoulder city toms! Also have the detuned and not a fan.

With the shoulder city, I suggest using an SSD room with them. Sound like WTF, but every time say the hi tom is hit, make a SSD tom be hit, but mute the mic channel so you are only getting the rooms channel. You may have to detune the pitch slightly on SSD tom, but blending this with the shoulder cities work s great for me.
The resonances after hit is a must !

Naw, it's funky to me. Resonance is one thing, but the Dorsia toms have some weird frequency sustain that sounds disgusting to me. If I ever use them, I have to fade out that resonance on the sample so it doesn't make the mix sound weird. There have been multiple occasions where I listen to a mix with those toms and the part after the tom fill sounds so awkward because you get this annoying resonance buzz from that stupid low tom. :err:
I use these dope free ones i found on this forum in erkans organized samples. Best download i've ever done.
Hey Justin,

I've been using SSD4 Maple Toms for nearly 2 months now. I use a gate on them to fade out the resonance a bit and then I cut at around 100-130hz (depending on which sample) to get rid of that ringing frequency that you're talking about. Did you want me to post a sample?