[01.12.2009 01:10:26] ahjteam: mark
[01.12.2009 01:10:35] Mark: anssi
[01.12.2009 01:24:57] ahjteam: btw, do you have something to batch convert wavs to mp3s?
[01.12.2009 01:25:27] ahjteam: because if the files are okay, there is no need to edit them, I'll just let you know which ones need editing
[01.12.2009 01:26:45] Mark: yeah thats fine
[01.12.2009 01:27:18] Mark: ok renamed them all
[01.12.2009 01:35:16] Mark: in .wav form its 700mb
[01.12.2009 01:35:18] Mark: give or take
[01.12.2009 01:35:36] ahjteam: argh, it's gonna take forever
*mark downloads and installs software to batch convert wavs to mp3s*
[01.12.2009 02:08:40] Mark: I checked some of the mp3s
[01.12.2009 02:08:45] Mark: sounds like some people are dumb
[01.12.2009 02:09:41] ahjteam: ?
[01.12.2009 02:09:50] ahjteam: totally brickwalled?
[01.12.2009 02:09:59] Mark: some
[01.12.2009 02:10:09] Mark: also hearing some bass boosts on the drums
[01.12.2009 02:14:08] Mark: uploading will take a few min
*mark uploads the mp3's*
[01.12.2009 02:44:19] ahjteam: downloading
[01.12.2009 02:45:54] ahjteam: alright, I'll start listening now
[01.12.2009 02:54:40] ahjteam: it seems that a lot of people seem to struggle with the low end
[01.12.2009 02:55:57] Mark: doesnt matter though everyone gets the same files
[01.12.2009 02:56:04] Mark: and everyone knows they have to fit the guitars to the backing
[01.12.2009 02:56:09] Mark: wouldn't want to make it too easy
[01.12.2009 02:57:24] Mark: ran into trouble yet?
[01.12.2009 02:57:38] ahjteam: I have a list of ones that needs checkin
[01.12.2009 02:58:46] Mark: ok
[01.12.2009 02:59:05] Mark: ill send you the guitar files of those
[01.12.2009 03:14:46] ahjteam: I'll just listen to the rest of the files and I'll list which ones I need
[01.12.2009 03:14:53] Mark: ok
[01.12.2009 03:15:22] ahjteam: These needs checking: *, **, *, *, DD, *, **, *, *, *, **, *, *, **, *, **, *
[01.12.2009 03:15:29] Mark: nice list
[01.12.2009 03:15:39] ahjteam: and i you noticed others then add those too
[01.12.2009 03:29:08] Mark: 18 haha
[01.12.2009 03:29:10] Mark: almost 1/3
[01.12.2009 03:29:13] Mark: is suspicious
[01.12.2009 03:32:08] ahjteam: its the low end
[01.12.2009 03:32:18] ahjteam: most likely their tone just suck, but I just want to make sure
*mark preparing an mp3 of the guitars package, uploading it and giving me the link*
[01.12.2009 03:48:47] ahjteam: that DD is just fucking redicilous
[01.12.2009 03:49:15] ahjteam: RMS -9dBFS
[01.12.2009 03:50:05] ahjteam: compared to the others... CX for example is -22dBRMS
[01.12.2009 03:53:39] ahjteam: alright, I would like to have the guitar wavs for these, others were just so horrible that it was the reason that was causing the massive low end boost: *, **, *, *, DD, *, *, **, *, *
[01.12.2009 03:54:20] Mark: so *, **, *, *, DD, *,*, **, * and * need fixing?
[01.12.2009 03:55:03] ahjteam: yeah, * is too quiet, DD and ** is too loud, others most propably had some sort of manipulation on the backing tracks
[01.12.2009 04:04:10] ahjteam: but those blatant ones were really distracting like the DD
[01.12.2009 04:08:15] ahjteam: if you put that peaks at -0.10dBFS & -9RMS file on top of the backing tracks, its going to peak instantly
[01.12.2009 04:12:12] ahjteam: I had to lower it by -4.8dB to make it not clip
[01.12.2009 04:12:52] ahjteam: but oddly enough, it actually sounds pretty good eventho it is brickwalled like shit
[01.12.2009 04:13:15] ahjteam: but I'll lower it -0.2 db more so that it won't hit zero
[01.12.2009 04:13:37] ahjteam: then the peaks are at -0.3dBFS
[01.12.2009 04:14:03] Mark: ok
[01.12.2009 04:21:02] Mark: so how many actually need fixing
[01.12.2009 04:21:07] Mark: those 10?
[01.12.2009 04:21:26] ahjteam: most propably something like 5-8
[01.12.2009 04:21:34] Mark: ok
[01.12.2009 04:21:36] ahjteam: just making sure
[01.12.2009 04:21:42] Mark: thats not too bad
[01.12.2009 04:23:14] ahjteam: in my opinion that is 10% too much
[01.12.2009 04:23:35] ahjteam: should've been something like 1-3
[01.12.2009 04:24:13] Mark: ideally yes
[01.12.2009 04:24:41] ahjteam: * is the only one I can understand
[01.12.2009 04:24:53] ahjteam: most likely just bounced too quiet
[01.12.2009 04:25:03] ahjteam: but it sound okay and all
[01.12.2009 04:25:41] ahjteam: but those idiots who actually go and edit the backing track even tho you were told not to do that...
[01.12.2009 04:26:23] ahjteam: double facepalm
* mark sends me the wav guitars and I begin editing *
[01.12.2009 05:13:40] ahjteam: I'm done in like 2 minutes
[01.12.2009 05:14:55] ahjteam: I have all the files processed now
* uploading *
[01.12.2009 05:17:41] Mark: how many did you fix
[01.12.2009 05:17:58] ahjteam: 4
[01.12.2009 05:18:02] Mark: thats not so bad
[01.12.2009 05:18:03] ahjteam: * DD * and *
[01.12.2009 05:18:10] Mark: 4 out of 55
[01.12.2009 05:18:12] ahjteam: but I rebounced the rest just in case
[01.12.2009 05:18:22] Mark: ok
[01.12.2009 05:18:23] ahjteam: *: raised guitars 6dB
DD: dropped guitars 5dB
*: resampled from 48khz to 44.1khz
**: removed a weird "bump" sound from the beginning
others: just added on top of the original backingtracks and
[01.12.2009 05:20:06] *** "Mark" signed off at Tue Dec 01 05:20:06 2009.