

New Metal Member
Aug 27, 2006
Hi, this is my first time at this site, and man i've been looking for somewhere like this for a while!!

I was looking for some kick ass tones for my pod xt live and got a link for here, am i in the right place, or should i be somewhere else???

Also while i'm here, I use BFD, but am hearing a lot about Drumkit from Hell Superior, Is it really superior?????? I play Death, Metal core type stuff!!!

Any help would be well appreciated!!
Hiya mate,
In my opinoin, I would drop BFD and get on to DFH gear. If your doing metal stuff DFH is the way to go, You can can also get your own sound with DFH. Were as BFD I belive is all processed sounds (correct me if I'm wrong though). So your going to be using other peoples drum sounds.

heres a example of DFH, (in my use). Theres better examples about than this, but give you a rough idea

or better yet mate,