Tonetest (Bugera 333)


Anssi Tenhunen
Alright, I think I'm getting the hang of this Bugera. Same song as last time, I changed the drums to SSD and raised the tuning from drop C to drop C#. I changed the settings on the amp so that the gain is at 9 o clock to get more tighter sound.

LTD EC1000 (EMG81) -> Ibanez TS9 -> Boss NS2 -> Bugera 333 (Crunch) -> HB 2x12 (V30) -> Shure SM57

on 33: crunch channel, gain 9 (o clock), bass 1.30, mids 1, treble 11, volume 9, master volume 7.5
on ts9: drive 8.30, tone 5, level 1

Post processing: a very light compressor and highpass at 100hz

edit: and the old test from the other thread:

on 333: crunch channel, gain 2 (o clock), bass 12, mids 12.30, treble 11, volume 9, master volume 7.5
on ts9: same as above

no post processing
Sounds good to me! Little middy, but I like mid heavy tones.
i was dying learning how to get those tightness with an ampsim and impulses...and with my sd-1:heh:

My main problem with my other two amps (Marshall Mode Four and Peavey Windsor) has been that I couldn't get the pick attack/twang on the notes clear enough or they sounded like shit, but I got it near the ballpark where I wanted it with the Bugera, even with pretty low gain settings.
I personally don't like this really oversaturated sound (mainly because it sounds like ass when you are standing next to it, but I have to admit that sounds pretty nice when tracked), but for your pleasure I tried out the amp on higher gain settings: volume 9.30 (o clock), treble 2, mid 10, bass 2, gain 2, crunch channel

(had to add the "sneap c4" -technique to tame the low end just a bit on the geetrz)

edit: had the wrong settings written down
I personally don't like this really oversaturated sound (mainly because it sounds like ass when you are standing next to it, but I have to admit that sounds pretty nice when tracked), but for your pleasure I tried out the amp on higher gain settings: volume 9.30 (o clock), treble 2, mid 10, bass 10, gain 10, crunch channel

(had to add the "sneap c4" -technique to tame the low end just a bit on the geetrz)

To me, this fucking crushes and sounds great, way better than the previous version you posted. This has peaked my interested in looking into these amps. I was looking for a 5150, but I think these are about half the price. I need a live backup amp and this could possibly fit the bill...
I personally don't like this really oversaturated sound (mainly because it sounds like ass when you are standing next to it, but I have to admit that sounds pretty nice when tracked), but for your pleasure I tried out the amp on higher gain settings: volume 9.30 (o clock), treble 2, mid 10, bass 10, gain 10, crunch channel

(had to add the "sneap c4" -technique to tame the low end just a bit on the geetrz)

But I´m missing some low-mids...mmmh
Maybe the HB doesnt deliver it, or you got to extreme on the c4 ???

But the sound has a big potential

yea, i have to say, the first clip wasn't that much of a turn on for me.. but the second rose of sharyn re-amp is really good, sounds much more what i'd go for in a guitar tone.

But I´m missing some low-mids...mmmh
Maybe the HB doesnt deliver it, or you got to extreme on the c4 ???

The low mids were REALLY woofy without the C4 and it sounded really annoying to listen to as it "breathed" like on 15dB dynamic range @ 160hz (you can still hear a bit of it at the end of the clip), so I had to tame it down:


(orange = before, pink = after)
the "more gain" clip sounded much better, I loved this sound man, that Bugera sounds very very good !!
Admittedly not a huge fan of any of the clips in the thread.
Especially with the first clip, the guitars just dominate everything else, so while that's great for showing off a guitar tone and all, I think for our interests we more want to hear it in the context of a more well done mix to see how it gels with the rest of the mix