Oh, I know! Like I said, there are TONS of killer singers. Guys like:
Ralf Scheepers
Russell Allen
Andy Kuntz
Geoff Tate (a MAJOR fave and influence!!)
Ray Alder
Rob Halford
Bruce Dickinson
Mikael Akerfeldt
Goran Edmon
Jorn Lande
Glenn Hughes
James LaBrie
Doug Pinnick
Andy Endberg
Sebastian Bach
Tobias Sammet
Tony Martin
Ian GIllan
David Readman
Michael Kiske
Kurt Bachman (LOVE his growls)
Chuck Billy (diversity!)
Messiah Marcolin
Urban Breed
Harry "Tyrant" Conklin
James Rivera
And if I thought a little longer, I could probably double that list. I LOVE and respect EVERY one of those on that list. But, for my ears, Dio is the master of delivery!
Oh, I know! Like I said, there are TONS of killer singers. Guys like:
Ralf Scheepers
Russell Allen
Andy Kuntz
Geoff Tate (a MAJOR fave and influence!!)
Ray Alder
Rob Halford
Bruce Dickinson
Mikael Akerfeldt
Goran Edmon
Jorn Lande
Glenn Hughes
James LaBrie
Doug Pinnick
Andy Endberg
Sebastian Bach
Tobias Sammet
Tony Martin
Ian GIllan
David Readman
Michael Kiske
Kurt Bachman (LOVE his growls)
Chuck Billy (diversity!)
Messiah Marcolin
Urban Breed
Harry "Tyrant" Conklin
James Rivera
And if I thought a little longer, I could probably double that list. I LOVE and respect EVERY one of those on that list. But, for my ears, Dio is the master of delivery!