Too Old to Mosh!

Headbanging fluently and furiously in the front row, one or both hands bracing the stage or barrier for support, is way more transcendent than moshing.

Also thigh and foot tapping. I probably look goofy as fuck at shows but mapping out various instruments with different body parts is fucking fun, and an art form, and an all encompassing experience, and suck my dick, you hyperactive children.
Oh man, I can't tell you how many times I look like a fucking dingus moving from air guitar, bass, and then air drumming like a fucking maniac.
I do this too. I tend to look most dingus when air drumming with only one hand because I'm holding a pint with the other.
Headbanging fluently and furiously in the front row, one or both hands bracing the stage or barrier for support, is way more transcendent than moshing.

Nah, id say losing yourself in a good mosh is the ideal form of enjoyment at a concert. Im not talking about those wannabe pits where 5 or 10 guys are trying to force something fun to happen and inevitably find themselves surrounded by the meek who just want to watch, but the times when the audience is just so energized that the floor is filled with people moshing around in harmonious chaos. THAT is the true transcendental experience as far as im concerned. Headbanging against the stage is a good alternative when this is not possible, but still an alternative.

As for the glasses thing, I just wear contacts when I go to shows. Problem solved. Though there were times when I forgot to put them in and just moshed anyways. I forget what show it was (long time ago), but I dropped my glasses in the pit 4 or 5 times and was luckily able to save them each time. Id just drop to the floor, spread my arms and legs, and grope desperately until I found them. That's never happening again.