TOOL Info.

I love Tool as a band. They have pumped out some killer albums. What I hate are the fanatic fans. I think they ruin it for alot of people though. The majority of Tools fans tend to think Maynard is some kinda god who has been enlightened beyond years when its not true, Maynard just sings what he believes. No reason to call him a god at all.
blakmetalemp said:
I love Tool as a band. They have pumped out some killer albums. What I hate are the fanatic fans. I think they ruin it for alot of people though. The majority of Tools fans tend to think Maynard is some kinda god who has been enlightened beyond years when its not true, Maynard just sings what he believes. No reason to call him a god at all.
I used to be the same, I think it's more or less because of the transition from listening to mainstream nu-metal and rock which has lyrics with little or no value to something like tool which has some value and meaning behind everything.
blakmetalemp said:
I love Tool as a band. They have pumped out some killer albums. What I hate are the fanatic fans. I think they ruin it for alot of people though. The majority of Tools fans tend to think Maynard is some kinda god who has been enlightened beyond years when its not true, Maynard just sings what he believes. No reason to call him a god at all.
Yeah, Tool fans can be tools sometimes. I should know, they've been my favorite band on the planet for about 12 years now. :loco:
FluffyDonkey said:
Did any of you bother to read the article?
2 days ago, yeah. ;)
FluffyDonkey said:
Sorry i fucked up, it was march 31st (no seriously i fucked up)
Did any of you bother to read the article?

Sorry I still dont buy it. If and when this becomes a for sure thing then Ill believe it. One day before April Fools day??? Come on! Tool have fucked with people about whats going on in their camp for years. I wouldnt be suprised to walk into a record store next week and find a new Tool album.
Meh, Tool never clicked with me aside from a few scattered moments. "Prison Sex," "Sober," "Schism," "Parabola," "Lateralis," and that first riff in "Aenima." And "The Grudge" is nice and heavy, with a 30-second scream, if I'm not mistaken. I guess that's cool, too.
Tool are pretty good musicians, but I don't really dig their ideology and philosophy. That opening bass line on 46+2 is cool though.