Is Tool metal?

I find the last album pretty deep, personal and tragical - that's about 50% why i like it...
i saw that danny carey was selling some solo album he's doing in a limited edition package of one, for quite a wad of dinero, which included not just a copy of the album but concert tickets, backstage action*, any one of his drumsets AND a week of his services as your personal assistant or something...very strange

*handjobs from maynard
oops, just kidding it's josh freese of APC, not danny carey

scroll to the bottom for the funny shit. it does involve taking shrooms and riding in danny carey's lamborghini. there's a whole bunch of different packages for varying prices...

$75,000 (limited edition of 1)
-Signed CD/DVD and digital download -T-shirt -Go on tour with Josh for a few days. -Have Josh write, record and release a 5 song EP about you and your life story. -Take home any of his drumsets (only one but you can choose which one.) -Take shrooms and cruise Hollywood in Danny from TOOL's Lamborgini OR play quarters and then hop on the Ouija board for a while. -Josh will join your band for a shows, record, party with groupies, etc.... -If you don't have a band he'll be your personal assistant for a month (4 day work weeks, 10 am to 4 pm) -Take a limo down to Tijuana and he'll show you how it's done (what that means exactly we can't legally get into here) -If you don't live in Southern California (but are a US resident) he'll come to you and be your personal assistant/cabana boy for 2 weeks. -Take a flying trapeze lesson with Josh and Robin from NIN, go back to Robin's place afterwards and his wife will make you raw lasagna.
aenema or whatever is the only Tool that is absolutely magnificent all the way through. everything else is good to mediocre
I like Tool alot, but they tend to substitute good songs for trying to be as progressive as possible. Very lame. I don't need a 4 minute intro of basically silence to make a song feel more epic.