Best Tool album

Undertow is my favorite as well. They got more long-winded and redundant as they went along. I still have difficulty remembering any of their songs from memory.
I could never get into Tool either. I just never really got it. I did love the song 'Sober' though back in the 90s, as it was a bit of a drinking anthem at one point, although I'm sure the song probably wasn't really even about alcohol....

The best Tool album is one of the later Enslaved or Katatonia albums... which ruined both bands.
Aenima no doubt an excellent album but there's just something about that undertow album that just grabs me and pulls me in. So I guess it is true to its name. None of their other albums are as raw and aggressive is this album. All of the other Tool albums have at least 2 or 3 tracks that are kinda meh.. every track on undertow is good. Lateralus was terrible, I couldn't even make it through the whole album