Best Tool album

Lateralus by far for me. That album has always stood out to me, Probably because I love the fuck out the song "Schism". So damn good.
Yeah Lateralus is definitely their best. The Grudge is prob my favorite track. Schism, Parabola and the title track are all good too.

Yeah most definitely man. I didn't listen to Tool that much back in the day, but after going through their discography a few years ago and listening to the whole Lateralus album I got hooked. I also liked 10,000 Days quite a bit too. Great tracks like Vicarious, The Pot and Jambi.
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Schism is a great song, as is Parabola, but the rest of the album doesn't do it for me. In regards to 10,000 days, I remember learning how to play all of Rosetta Stoned and Vicarious when I first learned how to play guitar. Pretty sure I could play through those songs now well enough and I don't think I've ever tuned my guitar to dropped D in forever. Those are good songs though, but I felt that that was definitely their weakest album.
Their earliest music is definitely their best, but I generally think they aren't a good band and I despise their influence on other bands and consider it negative.
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What influence would that be?

I don't know what you're trying to ask. It's pretty well-known that Tool is a fairly influential band in alternative rock and some metal circles. I don't like the way that they sound, so I don't like music influenced by them.