How is Tool received here?

YouthanAsia said:
Hey guys!
Obviously I'm a n00b in this forum. Just curious: How do you find Tool? I mean, do you like (or hate) them ? Some say they are not actually metal. As for me, I think they are very good and I actually like most of their albums specially Lateralus and AEnima. So come on, fill me in.
Tool... BLAH!
Tool did a very good job of distiguishing themselves in the pile of rubble they are associated with. I enjoy their newer stuff a lot. Lateralus is excellent and 10,000 Days isn't too bad either. The earlier albums arn't exactly my cup of tea though.
YouthanAsia said:
I love them and their music. I have all their albums. I was a Cure fanboy before I became a metalhead.
The Cure is great. Was listening to Disintigration last night.
The Greys said:
If you listen to opiate or undertow the music is very basic hard rock, after these I guess the band felt the need to be expirimental and drag things, but I don't think they are prog. Expanding or changing does not always mean progressive.

Yes those are their least progressive moments. Even Aenima tends to be dark rock stuff. Lateralus is truly has a fantastic concept, strange time signatures and sophisticated melody that most rock bands can't match. They're prog.
Demilich said:
Tyler, I know a lot of people hate you around here but you made some very respectable points and I agree with a lot of what you say about Jones! I used to ignore his playing and thought him weak, but over time I started to appreciate all his atmospheric additions to the band and their sound.

You are cool now. Congradulations.