How is Tool received here?

I used to be a big fan of them but not so much these days. I still listen to their albums every once in a while. These days I tend to think they're a little overrated, especially based on their latest album. I wasn't very impressed with 10,000 Days.
I can tolerate them and I actually think that a few of their tracks are pretty decent, but they are way too fucking overrated. Also, I fucking hate Tool fanboys, the kind of people that call Maynard a genius. He is not a fucking genius!!! :mad:
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Hahaha Greys.

I'm pretty sure you haven't listened to any Tool outside of what is on the radio, which sure is a horrible way to judge music. If you have heard Lateralus, you have no excuse to say that they "failed to progress" or any such bullshit, as they clearly have (progressed, that is).

I have all their cds except the new one(I don't listen to the radio btw. Why would anyone want too). I have not listened to them in years, but I know they were never any prog moments. If you listen to opiate or undertow the music is very basic hard rock, after these I guess the band felt the need to be expirimental and drag things, but I don't think they are prog. Expanding or changing does not always mean progressive. There is nothing progressive about adam jones, he does the samething always and has since Aenima. There is nothing wrong with that but you don't need to use the term prog. Adam Jones can try all he wants to make it look like he's really good because he's basic.

I have not heard the most progressive bands,etc.. but I really doubt in music that tool is somehow progressive in a general aspects of all the music in the world. Tool might seem prog compared to other really popular bands that play semi-heavy music. That's as far as I would go.
I love tool. Especially 10000 days. That is one of my all favorite albums. I don't understand why everyone hates it so much. I think the guitarist is great at what he does, and even though he's pretty much stuck to the same vein since aenima, he's been getting better and better at it. Like stinkfist, the guitar has all these effects, but they are more generic and less fitted to the music (the soloish part blowed) then say the solo on jambi, where he is all over the place, dragging chords down the fret, playing notes over a sustained chord, and all sorts of crud. The idea is the same, but the delivery is much more improved. I think Adam is on to something. He certainly has technical abilities too. He isn't holding the band back at all. He is playing sixteenth note triplets on vicarious, and that shows he has the speed, even though tool isn't a fast band by any means. I think he sort of falls into a small school of avant garde guitar, including adrian belew. They toured w/ King Crimson, so it makes sense that he is influenced by him. I guess what I'm getting at is that he is a great atmospheric effects guitarist, and I don't think tool needs a generic bluesy technical guitarist. I'm in the minority on this though.
Tyler, I know a lot of people hate you around here but you made some very respectable points and I agree with a lot of what you say about Jones! I used to ignore his playing and thought him weak, but over time I started to appreciate all his atmospheric additions to the band and their sound.
YouthanAsia said:
Hey guys!
Obviously I'm a n00b in this forum. Just curious: How do you find Tool? I mean, do you like (or hate) them ? Some say they are not actually metal. As for me, I think they are very good and I actually like most of their albums specially Lateralus and AEnima. So come on, fill me in.

hey is that Robert Smith of The Cure in your avatar?

I <3 the Cure
MetalNoob said:
Wow, I would have never have guessed you would like The Cure, but hey more power to you.

one of my favorite non-metal bands ever. I like tons of post-punk stuff. I'm eclectic.