Tool kicks the dicks off Cilli Peppers and Pearl Jam . . . in the charts.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Not only is Tool INFINITELY better than Pearl Jam or the Chilli Peppers. They surprised music execs by selling 563,000 copies in their first week of sales for '10,000 Days'. The Chilli Peppers sold 442,000, and Pearl Jam sold a limp 279,000.

The funny thing is that only about 563 of those 563,000 Tool fans have one clue why '10,000 Days' is so brilliant.

I haven't gone into that Tool thread, so if this has been gone over already . . . suck it!:heh:
I heard that PJ's opening sales eclipses total sales for their last album, Riot Act. That doesn't make sense to me, but whatever.
I heard a song off the new Chili Peppers and it sounded exactly like I expected it to, and so I'll probably sit this one out.
if by laughable you mean "Tool is the best mainstream currently active rock band that gets dismissed as trendy nu-metal by people with no ears"
As I sometimes say, I am a man that respects opinion, but calling Tool nu-metal is simply incorrect. It's certainly not HEAVY FUCKING METALLLLLL METHULLLLLMEATJ but yeah, it's not nu-anything.
I haven't bothered with the new RHCP, I'm still quite bitter about that piece of crap By the Way. Also the Dani California song, while good, sounds like a complete rehash. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get it eventually.

Also I really haven't listened to 10,000 Days in a few weeks now. I really hope I come back to it and see what a lot of you dudes see what's so great about it, but as of right now it's the only Tool disappointment for me.

The new Pearl Jam is pretty cool, but I've been busy with other shit so I've only listened to it a few times. Riot Act is probably their best album other than Ten.
The new Red Hot Chili Peppers disk is quite likely the most inconsistent album EVER. I don't think I'm gonna take the time to properly figure it out, even...
NADatar said:
Also I really haven't listened to 10,000 Days in a few weeks now. I really hope I come back to it and see what a lot of you dudes see what's so great about it, but as of right now it's the only Tool disappointment for me.

Gad damn you! GOD DAMN YOU!!!

Are you saying that you don't like the new Tool??? Why? Because it doesn't have enough hooks and catchy shit? This is the deepest thing Tool has ever created. They entire disc feels both well thought out and improvised. I don't know how that's possible, but that's the definition of a CLASSIC prog album. You really need to give this many more listens before saying anything retarded like your above statement.

Did the Tool thread discuss the meaning of 10,000 Days? I'm assuming this is known to everybody.
Nate The Great said:
This is the deepest thing Tool has ever created.


If we're talking about this then I agree.
Crimson Velvet said:
The new Red Hot Chili Peppers disk is quite likely the most inconsistent album EVER. I don't think I'm gonna take the time to properly figure it out, even...
why did you bother listening to it?
I loooove 10,000 Days WAY better than Lateralus, maybe even Undertow. And yeah, no Tool eclipses AEnima, that's just the way it is.

Favorite song on the new one after a bunch of listens: "Jambi"
Nate The Great said:
Gad damn you! GOD DAMN YOU!!!

Are you saying that you don't like the new Tool??? Why? Because it doesn't have enough hooks and catchy shit? This is the deepest thing Tool has ever created. They entire disc feels both well thought out and improvised. I don't know how that's possible, but that's the definition of a CLASSIC prog album. You really need to give this many more listens before saying anything retarded like your above statement.

Did the Tool thread discuss the meaning of 10,000 Days? I'm assuming this is known to everybody.
I haven't given up hope yet! Just haven't gotten back around to living/breathing/eating/shitting it yet. I listened to it probably 5 times a day for the first week, but since then I haven't really felt like spinning it. The title track is effing brilliant though, I know that much. Hopefully the other will come 'round full circle soon enough. Hopefully.

Besides, calling it a disappointment still means it's a solid 8/10 album for me. :loco:
I agree that the new Tool is 8/10 material. Some of it is just pure brilliance, and some [too much] of it is complete throwaway. Last couple of tracks are total duds.

Title track is stunning though.

I've been calling all the best songs of the year so far before anyone else:

Tool - 10,000 Days
Summoning - Land of the Dead
Agalloch - Not unlike the Waves
HoM - Trot out the Dead (until album is released)

Man oh man, I am on the money. I am money.