
duncang said:
...Lateralus didn't have a hidden track, and neither did Undertow (unless you count the 59 blanks between the end and Disgustipated)
I suppose 'hidden track' was a misnomer of sorts...though 'Disgustipated' and 'Faaip de Oiad' have a hidden track feel (?) to them (if that makes any sense?).

But I digress, I've since listened to the last track more closely and there's definately more to it than the sound of wind blowing. There's some kind of noise going on in the background and any Tool fan knows that they don't just put random noise in their songs without some reason. Of course, that 'reason' could have something to with Adams dog or something trivial like that.
I'd like to listen to it without a huge fucking burning machine right there.
I have a feeling the leaked album isn't real, because Tool's pranks with their fans has escalated with each album. With Lateralus, they released one fake track, and misnamed the tracklisting and album title. With 10,000 Days, the title and track listing is real I beleive (which is what many people were thinking at first, that it was fake), but they have gone one huuuuuuuge step further and actually made a double album. Except that one half of it isn't on the release.
That would be hilarious. Though I don't think they're motivated enough for a double album.
I cannot wait for the new album! I've heard the single Vicarious:worship: and I think it's amazing...though not as lyrically strong as Tool songs in the past. But it's just spectacular. I was going to try and catch them when they came to Denver but tickets sold out within the minute they went on sale and most of them are being sold again by scalpers for $500 and up. So all I have to look forward to is the new c.d. on the 2nd.
Wow. I'm all-of-a-sudden a huge Lateralus fanboy now. The title track did me in and the rest is falling into place.
I just got into them within the past year at first I wasnt that into them but now I love them, I dont see why the are under non metal, I'd say they are pretty close to prog metal.
Does anyone else see the similarities between Tool and Pink Floyd? It seems, with both bands, that they aren't so much as musicians as they are true artists. With both Tool and Pink Floyd, there is a lack of presence where it is difficult to acknowledge any one of them in particular, for to do so would disrupt the cohesion of it all. For instance, I've tried playing Jones' riffs on guitar and even though I'll get it down perfectly, it sounds absolutely mundane when compared with the dense sound of the song as a whole. I used to try the same thing with Pink Floyd and got similar results. There are, of course, other similarities between the two though this is probably the foremost.
tool has been my favourite band for going on eight years now, (or seven) I loveallof their albums individually. I love how much variation they can handel, I mean listen to all of their albums through in a row from Opiate to 10 000 days adn listen to how much they've progressed
i enjoy the new album but i was hoping for a more spirited vocal performance from maynard. he seems a little too laid back compared to previous outings but it seems to suit the songs. i kinda think of this as tools mellow album even though there are a few more dynamic moments. if i didn't expand my metal horizons so many years ago tool would probably still be my favorite band. i really used to live through those albums.

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