Question For Tool Fans


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
There used to be a website called innuendocornucopria or -copia, or something like that. The point of the website was to provide definitions and explanations about some of the more obscure subject matter in certain Tool songs. I used to look at it a bunch back in high school, but haven't in some time. Anyway, I've tried to locate it recently and can't seem to find it. Does anyone know if the name changed or where I can find it?
I had a bit of a hunt and it appears that the site was shut down due to lack of funds.

There is a part of the Tool website which is supposed to deal with song meanings and so forth,, but it's really hard to use.
Thanks for the info man, I appreciate your efforts! That kinda sucks, it used to be an amazing site (from what I recall). I'll check out that Dissectional and see how it is. Thank again!
I'm not familiar with Tool, but someone once told me I should listen to them for 10 years, then stop and go around saying they suck.
There is an esoteric quality to their music that often makes people feel smart just for listening to it. Take away the esoteric quality and suddenly you have alot of upset people thinking they're not the only people "in on the secret".

Tool are ok musically, thematically they are hit or miss.
I don't listen to them as much as I used to. I think they're the kind of band you get into in high school but eventually grow away from. I was only listening to them the other day after a bit of nostalgia and ended up remembering the aforementioned website. I couldn't find it, so I thought I'd make a post about it. Couldn't hurt, right? :cool: It can be deleted now if the moderators want. And I appreciate Satanstoenail's help.