
Get rid of Keenan and they would be pretty good. Keenan is a horrible vocalist and their lack of clear concepts on albums has hurt everything they have put out.

Carey and Jones should set up their own band. I'd love to hear an instrumental album from those guys. They both have the ability to produce something amazing.
Get rid of Keenan and they would be pretty good. Keenan is a horrible vocalist and their lack of clear concepts on albums has hurt everything they have put out.

Carey and Jones should set up their own band. I'd love to hear an instrumental album from those guys. They both have the ability to produce something amazing.

You're a terrible person and should lay down in the middle of the road.
They're not progressive. They're basically experimental alternative rock. They might have a metal overtone, so I think you could call them metal, but not progressive.

I'm not so sure about that. They do get debated on prog forums whether or not they are prog, but the fact is that they are more inventive then most prog bands, they are "in" with the best of them (they even toured with king crimson), they write concept albums, and while they aren't flashy, they do have the technical skills that most prog bands only wish they could have (especially danny carey, who is easily one of the top drummers this generation). I think that makes them prog...
I'm not so sure about that. They do get debated on prog forums whether or not they are prog, but the fact is that they are more inventive then most prog bands, they are "in" with the best of them (they even toured with king crimson), they write concept albums, and while they aren't flashy, they do have the technical skills that most prog bands only wish they could have (especially danny carey, who is easily one of the top drummers this generation). I think that makes them prog...
Well put.
I'm suprised at the ammount of love for Tool on this board, considering Pantera is too mainstream for most here. But I guess Tool is a hipster band so it's okay. ;)

Anyway, I've always thought I'd probably like Tool but they're probably not nearly heavy enough for me. I've listened to some of their stuff and tried to dig it but so far no luck.