Toontrack Metal Month 2016

Sounds great \m/

Sounds decent. Some of those presets were making my high-end bookshelf speakers rattle and fart out. I also noticed that in Ola's demo video, as well. Freeware plugins sound just as good as this pack, if not better. Pass.
Today Toontrack released the last Metal Month 2016 product: Black Metal Midi. Efraim Juntunen from Naglfar is the drummer. Pretty sick beats on the Soundcloud samples. Look forward to trying this one out soon.
I already own all three of the Library Of The Extreme MIDI packs. This new Black Metal pack seems a bit redundant. IMHO, this was probably the most disappointing Metal Month. Oh, well. At least I can look forward to some deals around Christmas, maybe.
I CALLED THAT SHIT hahaha totally knew there was some kind of BM thing. Beats, though? ehhhhh. pass.
Where's metal expansion for ezdrummer or supperior drummer? Only thing I might get someday would be guitar gods pack for ezmix. Damn it, after last year this is huge letdown.
I dreamt a couple of days ago SD3 will be released soon. Let's hope it was a dream come true.
I gave up on that dream a year ago. I sold my SD2 license and bought EZD2. I couldn't be happier with all of the user friendly features of EZD2. Over a year ago, it started becoming more apparent to me that Toontrack became more focused on EZ Drummer than it's "flagship" model. So, I saw the writing on the wall and haven't looked back since.