top 10 of 2009

Right now it's like this:

Warning - Watching From A Distance (Album of the year, all years.)
Absu - Absu
Gov't Mule - By A Thread
Master's Hammer - Mantras
The Chasm - Farseeing The Paranormal Abysm
Slough Feg - Ape Uprising
Phish - Joy
Arghoslent's half of Send Forth Ye Best Of Breed
Mastodon - Crack the Skye
Katharsis - Fourth Reich

May change when I actually dive into some of these 09 releases I'm seeing mentioned in this here thread.
Krallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough
Ruins of Beverast - Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite
Maudlin of the well - Part the Second
Blut aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II
Fen - The Malediction Fields
Tapage - Fallen Clouds
Angmar - Zurück in die Unterwelt
Aorlhac - Opus 1
Altar of plagues - White Tomb
Worm Ouroborus - Worm Ouroborus

Honorable mentions

Amber Ayslum - Bitter River
Neun welten - Destrunken (would have definitely made top ten if i heard it earlier)
Au Revoir Simone - Still Light, Still Night
Drudkh - Microcosmos
Profetus - Coronation of the Black Sun
Bleeding Heart Narrative - Tongue Tangled Hair
Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs
Peste Noire - Ballade cuntre lo Anemi Francor

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