Top 10 ProgPower USA sets


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I referenced Sabaton making my personal Top 5 ever in a different thread. I was subsequently asked what the rest of my favorites were. I figure that merits it's own thread for everyone:

1. Evergrey (VIII): 3 hours + string quartet= WIN.
2. Conception (VI): Never before, never again.
3. Freak Kitchen (VII): I have never seen a PP USA crowd laugh like that.
4. Sabaton (X): I was ready to go to war.
6. Edguy (III): First standing ovation in the festival's history
7. Weapons of Mass Destruction (V): As close as I'll ever get to Tage.
8. All-Star Jam (VIII): The most difficult thing we have ever pulled off.
9. Brainstorm (V): The most headbanging I have seen to this day.
10. Mustasch (IX): It took my knees six months to recover from pogo-sticking to "Double Nature."
Here we least this should not turn into a wishlist thread for next year...

Agree on some...added others.

1. Evergrey (VIII): 3 hours + string quartet= WIN. Agreed.
2. Evergrey (IV): : First time I saw them live. Made them my favorite band.
3. Nightwish (IV): See (2). Second favorite band for years.
4. Sabaton (X): I was ready to go to war. Agreed. Highest energy set I have ever seen. Period
5. Dreamscape (V and VI): I was drunk but wasn't their set extended? Has that happened before or since for a non-headliner?
6. Vision Divine (VII): One word: Lupi. Nuff said.
7. Pagan's (VIII): Tore. It Up.
8. All-Star Jam (VIII): The most difficult thing we have ever pulled off. Agreed. Fantastic. Breathtaking. Mad props to the "house band!"
9. Brainstorm (V): The most headbanging I have seen to this day. Burke almost separated my shoulder at the start of "Leading Voices." That arm will probably start hurting everyday after I retire.
10. After Forever (VIII): 1,000 boners can't be wrong, Floor!
Actually much easier than I thought:

1) Pain of Salvation (I)
2) Angel Dust (II)
3) Threshold (III)
4) Tad Morose (V)
5) Freak Kitchen (VII)
6) Evergrey (IV)
7) Rage (IV)
8) Orphaned Land (X)
9) Weapons of Mass Destruction (V)
10) Sabaton (X)
I started going in 2003, so here's mine, in order, best to... 10th best.

1. Elvenking. (IX) - this should be quite obvious.
2. Sabaton (X) - Fuck, that was awesome.
3. Mercenary (IV) - It seemed I alone was ready for this monster, and came with the ability to sing everything they threw out there.
4. Nightwish (IV) - Tuomas threw me a beer. It was quite glorious. One of the better sets I remember.
5. Iron Savior (IX) - This set was so killer.
6. Brainstorm (V) - LOL WHUT? Head explosion. I did not see this train coming down the tracks.
7. Orphaned Land (VI) - I remember hearing one song before they took the stage. Single handedly saved 6 from complete suck for me.
8. Pathosray (IX) - I don't particularly care for Prog, but Italian Metal trumps all (most).
9. Iced Earth (IX) - Are you sensing a theme yet? I didn't care for Iced Earth until this night. Jaw, meet floor.
10. Cage/Mindflow (X) - Both bands exceeded my expectations by about 150x - Both fantastic.
1) Riverside (IX) - Favorite set I've seen anywhere, ever. Easily.
2) Brainstorm (V) - Ridiculous energy, lots of fun.
3) Pain of Salvation (V) - Really tight set, even if I didn't really like them at the time I can look back and recognize it was good.
4) Orphaned Land (VI) - Really awesome show, better than X in my opinion.
5) Angra (III) - Great set, enjoyed watching Kiko's guitar work.
6) Primal Fear (VIII) - Lots of fun, high energy.
7) Conception (VI) - One time deal, very awesome.
8) Evergrey (VIII) - The strings and everything, just simple amazing.
9) Edguy (III) - My first Edguy experience, as usual Tobias totally made it fun and awesome.
10) Freak Kitchen (VII) - A very interesting experience with a band I wasn't previously familiar with.
1) Therion (VI)
2) After Forever (VIII)
3) Redemption (VIII)
4) Symphony X (II)
5) Ark (II)
6) Pain of Salvation (III)
7) Nightwish (IV)
8) Orphaned Land (VI)
9) Epica (VII)
10) Crimson Glory (X)
My favorites:
1) Freak Kitchen (first time)
2) Sabaton
3) Therion/Redemption (2nd time)/Fates Warning
6) Orphaned Land (first time)
7) Amorphis
8) Jon Oliva's Pain
9) Elvenking
10) Conception

11) Freak Kitchen (second time)
12) Virgin Steele (I know, I know)
13 Andromeda
1 - Angra (1st time)
2 - Orphaned Land (1st time)
3 - Circus Maximus (3rd time)
4 - Mindflow
5 - Sabaton / Pain of Salvation (3rd time)
6 - Amorphis
7 - Mercenary (2nd time)
8 - Redemption (2nd time)
9 - After Forever
10 - Riverside
Before I compile my list (I'll have to do this after work, anyway)... do Showcases and pre-parties count as well, or are we pulling these specifically from the main show rosters? I'm deciding if I'm allowed to put Enertia or Orphaned Land's accoustic set on my list.
In no order:
Freak Kitchen (both times)
Primal Fear (wow!!!!!)
Circus Maximus
After Forever
Symphony X (1st PP)
1. Edguy (1st time)
2. Circus Maximus (this year)
3. Sabaton
4. Edguy (as headliner)
5. Silent Force
6. Primal Fear
7. Iron Savior
8. All-Star Jam
9. Freak Kitchen (first time)
10. Rob Rock/Vision Divine tie