Top 10 Reasons to see Dream Theater live...

lady_space said:
I like DT, but have been known to be critical of them as well... either way, the list is hysterical IMO. Didn't y'all know Greg is a comic genius? And I'm with Britt... if I got pissed off every time someone made fun of Pain of Salvation or even Marillion... well, there'd be a lot of throwing things involved. :p


Ditto on the DT love/hate....
If Greg doesn't post a PoS top 10, we'll make it a group effort. :Spin:
Someone better tell Urban to hide the breakables...:D

Rick Pierpont said:
Yes, followed by:
Devin Townsend,
Gamma Ray, and
Freak Kitchen (these last three for JayDub's pleasure).

Bah! Do I need to get you a tissue already???? :cry:
See? Even the THREAT of a PoS top 10 list does WONDERS! :lol:
I'll start the Zod chant right NOW! ZOD! ZOD! ZOD! ZOD! :headbang:


p.s. Notice I didn't mention Devin. The new one is just so "blah" for these ears....More ammo for a PoS top 10 than just about anyone!
Evil said:
actually i have a great sense of humor... that shit just ain't funny...

next time i mock the shit out of a band you love, i guess i get a pass huh??

my tastes get mocked all the time...sometimes the best laughs are at one's own expense...
funny is funny... i am grateful for chuckles on what was a pretty stressful day up till i read that post....
/me hi5z zod
General Zod said:
03. In a “Sophie’s Choice”-like scenario, you’re given the option of watching "The English Patient"
01. You are Fran Drescher and you love to hear your older brother James sing.

brilliant. They're good live, even a couple times. however, the goodness is wearing off as of late
DarkOne said:
Jeez. People have to take a joke. I mean, if I got pissed every time I said my favorite bands are Winger, The Darkness, Boy George, and Mariah Carey, well, I'd . . , uh, I'd . . . .

>Sniff< Stop making fun of me! >sniff<

Steve in Philly

General Zod said:
I'd say they're definitely one of the tightest bands live. However, it's not really the type of high-energy performance I want out of live show.


Fates Warning is about the most boring show I've ever seen (opening for Queensryche and DT) but they're still a great band. Not like Opeth (oh look at me, I'm depressed) who suchs ass!!!:hotjump: :yuk:
General Zod said:
5 and 6 string basses have always been a pet peeve of mine. Myung is a great bass player, no doubt. But can you tell me that the music is better because of two additional bass strings? It just seems arrogant.


He can't help it. His fingers are seven fucking inches long.:loco:
Meanmistreator said:
Not like Opeth (oh look at me, I'm depressed) who suchs ass!!!
Just curious, which Opeth tour did you see? While I'd admit, although Opeth is one of my favorite bands, their energy level and music aren't really built for live shows. That said, I think they're tight as shit, and they've defintely become more energetic since they first started touring the states.

Mikael A. has also gotten a lot wittier...or at least more generally entertaining...with his between-song banter of late. :tickled:

We decided he must've taken lessons in audience-banter from Devin Townsend. After hearing tales of Mikael's newfound wit, Devy smiled and joked that Mikael owes him royalties or something. :D