Top 100 Guitarists - Part Four

Thank god he's *not* Billy Corgan, or I'd have to thump him for being such a whiny, untalented, overrated, pretentious little skidmark.

Just to be clear on this, I don't like The Squelching Pumpkins one tiny bit :). Far too many people tried to convert me to them in my student days and it didn't end well.

He is a great guitarist though, regardless of his whiny bitch demeanour :)How Jerry Cantrell gets praise and Billy Corgan doesnt mystifies me.
I voted, but didn't see Steve Morse wedged in there, so you could give him an extra vote from me if you so desire.

The Smashing Pumpkins have some good material, but I don't know if I would cal Billy Corgan an awesome guitarist.

Petrucci must be in the next round. Excellentai.
Howe, Schon, Caffery, Deville, Morse, Collen...

Yep, Criss Oliva definitely needs to be in the next round, even though nobody appreciates old-school Savatage here except for a couple of us.

as you were all expecting ;D

if I could TAKE away votes, I'd take away from Kerry King... sure, he's alright at mindless thrashing rhythm, but worst. solos. evAr.
Goreripper thought of another to add Jeff Beck , Chris Holmes .......Oh how about a couple of Ladies .......Lita Ford, Joan Jett, the Great Kat (Um did she play )
Ace Frehley (coz he's the reason I started playing guitar, and so catchy), Neal Schon (AWESOME and so underrated), CC DeVille (also underrated just coz nobody can takes Poison seriously), Phil Collen (REALLY underrated too!), Dave Mustaine and Uli Roth.