TOP 5 Nevermore songs...

Ok people,
This looks like a stupid thread and may trigger people to go "This is impossible, only 5 songs". Everyone can choose 5 songs from Nevermore that are they're favourite at the moment....So it's not of all time, but try and incorporate that into your choice.
It'd be cool to state what you like about the songs, eg. particular lyrics, vocals, riff, solo etc etc.
Ok, here's my list-
1. Sentient 6
2. Sell My Heart for Stones
3. River Dragon Has Come
4. Bittersweet Feast
5. Engines Of Hate

I chose "Sentient 6" first because of probably the best guitar part I've ever heard in my life... Jeff Loomis' crazy arpeggios at the end of the song. I never like Ab as a key too much when I was learning music but this song made me change my mind.

"Sell My Heart For Stones" is my second choice because it's rarely I've ever heard a song that is structured so well that it sounds like the quintessential piece of music you can ever listen to. Steve's solo changes key but it still maintains the feel of the overall piece and it enhaces the song to the point of nostalgia for me, as his use of Harmonic-Minor (or whatever it is lol) makes me think about the music I grew up with.

"River Dragon..." for an obvious reason... Jeff's diminished woodly woodly woodly solo haha. Seriously, all the parts fit so well and Warrel's vocals sound insane. Also, Jeff going nuts with the "Phrygian Dominant-esque" lick before the solo.

"Bittersweet Feast" is my 3rd choice because from looking at NM's older catologue, Jeff has a particular style of his own when it comes to riffs etc. Steve just hits the nail on the haed and displays how alike his writing style is to Jeff's. The other reason is the Bb based single note riff before Steve's solo that sounds heavier than any Cannibal Corpse song in their whole catologue lol. Steve's solo is amazing and has sooo much character and the fact it's a nostalgia-trip again for me to. Jeff's solo changes key, but he hits my soft spot musically. :headbang:

Last but certainly not least, "Engines Of Hate" purely and simply because of Jeff's lead. It changes key and it once again, converts me to another interval-love haha. never ever ever liked C Minor growing up as a kid as it sounded so plain and shoddy but Jeff's lead proves to me that any key can sound good if done properly.

Ok people time to get thinking and to get typing... It'd benice to hear drom everyone, especially you Steve...I'm interested to see what are your faves haha. Yes, you can include yours as well lol.
1 The death of passion
2 Politics of Ecstasy (that middle part is mosh tastic)
3 The learning (I know it is clichee, but, it is a fucking good song)
4 Bittersweet feast.
5 Psalm of Lydia
All nevermore songs make it my top5, but these stand out more. I really love them all. I wish nevermore would play the songs live
1. Engines of Hate
2. 7 Tongues of God
3. Poison Godmachine
4. No More Will
5. Psalm of Lydia

Runners up are Never Purify, Seed Awakening, I Voyager, Deconstruction, Born and The River Dragon Has Come
1. Enemies of Reality
2. Who Decides
3. Psalm of Lydia
4. Dreaming Neon Black
5. Poison Godmachine

After that would come We Disintegrate, Seven Tongues of God, Seed Awakening, I Am The Dog, and Medicated Nation.

1. bittersweet feast
i chose that song because it's SO heavy all the way through, and has some crazy as riffing (the prechorus for example is a really nice one). it's also very well structured imho.

2. never purify
this is also one heavy piece of music. jeff's lead is total insanity, and i really enjoy the mix of melodic, almost opeth-esque chording during the chorus and heavy staccato riffing during the verses. more will
one word: emotion.

4. sea of possibilities
that song really shows what jeff was capable of even back then. warrel's vocals are also amazing, especially during the chorus

5. dead heart in a dead world
that song kinda reminds me of bittersweet feast. i'm a big fan of HUGE choruses, and this song (just like BF) does exactly that.
1. No more will (So beautiful, its my favesong all time probably)
2. All play dead ( SO EVIL!!!!)
3. A future uncertain (mr. Smyth, great work on that one!)
4. 42147 (OMFG)
5. Dead heart (One of the heaviest nevermoresongs.)
1. Sentient 6
The way the song (musically and lyrically) starts so clean and beautiful and turns heavy and raunchy, i always have to listen to it two times in a row.
2. This Godless Endevor
Another song that takes you on a ride. Plus the leads fit so perfectly.
3. Seven Tongues of God
It was the first NM song I learned to play and really forced me to step up my playing and practice harder.
4. This Sacrement
Its just brutal, head-banging, driving music and I love the leads and another tune that forced me to work harder at music
5. Narcosynthesis
It was the first NM song I heard and was hooked instantly.
lol, my turn now! Interesting to see all the different favourites!:headbang:

1. The Sorrowed Man - This song is in my opinion one of the most beautiful things ever written. I have grown attached to this song like no other NM song, it's one of those songs where you listen to the lyrics and just shed several tears to the sheer beauty of the melody and sorrowed emotion of Warrel's voice... It's funny to see reviews stating this track as "an uplifting song". In my opinion it's far from it. The ballad of all ballads.

2. Born - Basicaly, it was the song that immediatly got me into NM. The chorus is cosmical sounding with the lead guitars mixed over the chords, the solo completely blew me away, and it's an awesome song to play the rythm guitars to on on your first 7-string! :D

3. Optimist Or Pessimist - As Nathan Explosion would say, "Brutal." I love this trash track with them dissonant solo-ing, so chaotic and it's a great sing-along song!

4. Next In Line - One of my most favourite heavy tracks. The most attention grabbing dissonant riffs I've ever heard, I couldn't believe how 6-strings tuned 1/2 step down could be so damn heavy, this applies to the album DNB and Politics! Funny to see how this song contains an 'anti-solo', which is basicaly a noisy lead guitar, and I dig it! Only thing I don't really like is how it ends, but that's just me.

5. My Acid Words - When I first heard this song it reminded me of some old-school heavy metal (even though I never in my life have heard old-school metal lol). The structure of this track is well done, and I absolutely love that heavy part at 3.22, I always had to hold myself in not to headbang while I'm in the bus heading home :D When I went to my first live concert of theirs, I completely freaked out when they played this, I could finally bang my f***in head out :D:D

Runners-uppers: No More Will, Final Product (best concert opening song ever, never change that in your setlist), What Tomorrow Knows, I Am The Dog, TGE, Bittersweet Feast, The Psalm Of Lydia, EOR, The Fault Of The Flesh, Poison Godmachine, We Disintegrate, The Death Of Passion.

I'm gonna stop typing now, I basically love all NM tracks they've put out till now :cool:
1. Engines of Hate - What can I say? It sounds cliche but it's such a damn good song. My #1 Headbanging song.

2. Born - Straight up, in your face metal! Dig the solo and the chorus is so unique

3. No More Will - Very deep; makes me feel like rocking out yet when I listen to it, I feel disconnected from everything. That's what it does to me.

4. Bittersweet Feast - Took me a while to get used to but I love your take on the song Steve, it's excellent! Very unexpected and out of left field, yet extremely brutal. Excellent Solo!

5. Heart Collector/Believe in Nothing - Both of these songs make me feel extremely a good way, especially the solos; I wanna cry during both, they're so emotional.
It's gonna be a top 10 for me :) Too hard to choose otherwise

1. The Learning - possibly the most complete song ever. It's perfect in terms emotion, riffage, hooks and great epic lyricism. I can hear it a million times and the intro still gives me chills. And the heavy parts send me headbanging.

2. This Godless Endeavor - pretty much the same motivation here as on The Learning. Another long epic that seems to end too fast every time I put it on. A perfect combination of extreme technicality and song structure.

3. No More Will - incredible guitarwork and great dramatic sorrowful feeling. classic Nevermore.

4. 42147 - another song that combines emotional heaviness with sheer riffage. awesome clean guitar parts as well.

5. Enemies of Reality - possibly their most catchy song along with Born. the hooks and sheer headbang factor is enough to take this one to top 5.

6. Born - this one could might as well have been #5. just as "Enemies.." this song is dead on catchy and headbangable to the core. infectious.

7. The Fault of The Flesh - a song with some of my favourite lyrics and vocals from mr. Dane and some kickass rhythm guitar. gotta love the bitterness.

8. I Am The Dog - a catchy, vicious and generally crazy tune with some more heavy hooks. another great DNB song, and there's more where that came from.

9. The River Dragon Has Come - I'm not a huge fan of the Dead Heart cd but here they excel. I love the clean guitar intro, the leads and a lot of the technical stuff. crazy shit.

10. The Psalm of Lydia - my initial favourite on TGE the first ten or twenty times I heard it. very drugged out and spacey, yet totally metal. gotta love the holy wars clean guitar break in the middle.

Runner-ups: Beyond Within, The Death of Passion, Deconstruction, My Acid Words, Seed Awakening & Sentient 6.
(the first album is overrated) end to that
this week brings another top 5
A future uncertaing/TGE can't really decide.
next in line
this sacrament
Seed Awakening/The mirror black (can't decide again, but maybe tmb doesn't count because it is sanctuary)