Top 50 Albums of 2003 @ Metal Rules


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Here's their cumulative Top 10 across 21 staff writers:

1. Iron Maiden - Dance of Death
2. King Diamond - Puppet Master
3. Helloween - Rabbit Don't Come Easy
4. Grave Digger - Rheingold
5. BLS - Blessed Hellride
6. Cage - Darker than Black
7. Dimmu Borgir - DCA
8. Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion
9. Nevermore - Enemies of Reality
10. Usurper - Twillight in Dominion

No big surprises there, so at least they're consistent in their own tastes, and I don't think I've ever heard any Cage or Usurper...

P.S. They have 21 writers!!??
I like two of those releases, but neither made my top ten. I just barely got the Puppet Master though.
So who is your metal rules counterpart? I have to say, I think Ice Maiden gets my pick. Heh, geddit? Ice Pick? Anyways...

What is it with Grave Digger as well? Almost all of them picked the band (even the not so power metal friendly folk).
I can't believe Usurper made that list, considering the list is made of mostly well-known crap. That's the 'unknown' they pick? Funny. Twilight Dominion was towards the bottom of my top ten halfway through the year, but it faded. Partly because I got tired of the album, partly because I saw them live and they blew.
I own three albums of their Top 50 of 2003, Moonsorrow, Bathory, and Falkenbach, so at least they like the viking stuff.

Looked over all the individual lists, and I must say, they all listen to crap. It seems they all stay well withi their comfort zones. None of them are worthy to be my counterpart :lol:

And what is up with the dude that picked #1 as Bret Michaels? Does he just like to look at the front cover or something?
Type O Negative
The most boring live band ever seen!!!
What a dumbass. Considering the Peter Steele is one of the most charismatic and funny frontmen I've ever seen, this dude must have been asleep during the show.

I don't think any of them are my couterpart, Lord of the Wasteland has Morbid Angel in his #2 spot, but other than a few Vital Remains in the teens, my top 10 doesn't come close to any of theirs.
None really, but a lot of those albums I've never heard. Most of the ones I recognize I either am not interested in hearing, or didn't like.

I'll go with Lord of the Wasteland for Heretic at #2, but he also had Six Feet Under, Dimmu Borgir, and Soilwork above Vital Remains. :Puke:

I don't really like their lists because there were three milestones this year: Vital Remains, Negura Bunget, and King Crimson. I don't expect many metalheads to recognize what King Crimson did for this year (mark my words, things are gonna change in the near future because of the Power to Believe), but giving little recognition of Vital Remains and completely shunning 'N Crugu Bradului was pretty foolish. And where's Aborted!? That was the biggest kick in the balls I've had for years!!! :grin:
I have 4 of their top 50:
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality
Overkill - Killbox 13
Anthrax - We've Come For You All (got one with that had the wrong price label so it was only $7, haha)
Dream Theater - Train of Thought

Nevermore would easily be a top 10 if it had at least some production and Overkill was excellent at first but dwindled upon repeated listens (still their best since WFO). Anthrax has a few good songs, but it's pretty weak overall and Dream Theater is decent but unremarkable, definitely their weakest since Falling Into Infinity.

I couldn't find a single list that even looked remotely decent on that page.
Gugs, Chief B, and myself kinda know Ice Maiden. In fact, those guys hung out with her & gang at Wacken.

Otherwise, the only affiliation I have with that site is being duped into buying a Primal Fear CD. :hypno:
I can't even sell the fucker. Maybe we should give it away as an RC competition prize or something.

EDIT: What am I thinking? NAD the garbage can will take it and probably love it in a bisexual way.
Pass it this way boy! Who the fuck is Primal Fear anyhow?

The European power metal combo Primal Fear has been kicking around the metal underground for years, refining their brand of melodic riffing and soaring vocals.
They're one of those bands that capitalized on what Judas Priest started with "Painkiller". Since that album, none of the clones even came close, because Painkiller is indeed untouchable.