Top Five Of Whatever

This is a top five types of wood used to make stuff with, such as myself, being a set of nested tables and all:

5: Beech. Quite a soft wood, kinda reddish (I think), good for making, er, models of beech trees.

4: Sapient pearwood. Magical wood, used to make magicians' staves and other magical stuff. Found only on the Discworld, and is rare even there.

3: Oak. The classic British wood. Used to make doors, tables and other exciting stuff. Unlike erections, oak gets harder with age.

2: Mahogany. The upper-class wood. A rich, dark colouration means that this wood looks great as cupboards.

1: Pine. The king of woods. Used to make nested tables (hooray!) and furniture in Ikea. Also, has pun-based opportunity, since pine also means to, er, wallow in self-pity, I suppose. Like the Norwegian Blue, pining for the fjords.
I'm gonna copy NAD's top 5 idea


2. :zombie:
3. :hotjump:
4. :yell:
5. :hypno:

I'll also steal Lady's

1. Divine Wings of Tragedy
2. Twilight In Olympus
3. The Oddysey
4. V
5. Damnation Game
I liked that wood thing.

5. Plastic. cuz you can make it look like metal, and that's good enuf for me.
4. Iron. the first industrial metal. used in all the most greatest art nouveau constructions! it's also a handy thing to have in the blood.
3. Steel. sounds cool, is applicable to anything. ie, balls of steel!, ummm, fist...of steel!. yeah.
2. Copper. cuz it tastes like blood. nuf said.
1. Aluminium. Cuz it's the only word whose british version sounds better than the american one. (aluminum, anyone?)