Another Top 10 Thread.

Crimson Velvet said:
The top ten things that pisses me off when pupils do:

10. Spits out chewing tobacco or "snus" inside.
9. Talks in mobile phones during class.
8. Spits out gum inside.
7. Insults my mother.
6. Spits out food inside.
5. Is wearing baggy pants.
4. Spits out snot inside.
3. Plays a Slipknot album on the cd-player in the classroom (the whole bloody way through!!!!!).
2. Spits out various other bodily fluids inside.
1. Spits out any of the items mentioned in number 10, 8, 6, 4 or 2 on me.

Man, this has been a long day...

Yeah, you gotta love how kids have zero respect for teachers anymore, the main reason I don't want to become a gymnasie teacher. How old are the brats you're teaching?
Well, I haven't been a teacher all that long, so I don't have my "own" class yet, so to speak. (Klasseforstander, if that makes any sense to you.) So my pupils are mostly from the ages elleven to fifteen years old.

Sometimes I would just love to have like a one-way mirror in the classroom, and let the little devils' parents see how they behave towards teachers and other pupils. I know at least some of the muslim kids would get a serious lesson in discipline.

I do some subtitude work in classes where the pupils (or should I say students) are from the ages fifteen to maybe even twenty three years old, and I must say, they are many times worse. This huge Iraqi boy threatened to bash my head in if I reprimanded him for not having done his homework again. He was suspended for three days, of course, but just the mere thought of young men and women talking this way to teachers are more or less absurd. I would've gotten the beating of a lifetime if my dad caught me acting that way...
Hm, odd. I always pictured the older "kids" as more orderly and interested but threatening the teacher is pretty absurd. I think we need to instill teacher resepct to kids at a young age, kind of how it used to be but without the caning perhaps (though that would surely lead to some respect ;))