Top poster in this forum: Misanthrope


New Metal Member
May 9, 2001
I always feel that sometimes I write wacky shite, but then comes Misanthrope and he totally outdoes me, rendering anything I've done trivial. This guy is the definition of whack in a cool way, and for all the shit he get around here, I totally appreciate his presence.
Yeah, but you don't understand. Misanthrope is in a totally different level man. I'm thinking of starting a fanclub, although I'm sure he'd disapprove.
Hehe im glad someone see's throught it but dont go that far. You would force me to run a anti misanthrope-fan club myself and indulge in depression and self hate....on second thought go ahead thats always good for musical inspiration
Fanclub is the least I can do. I mean you're a fucking trooper. For example the fanclub thread... some abuse was about to go on, and then you come... and everyone ducked. It's like they know what's like arguing with you, so they all they disappeared. I fucken love that... Pavlovian reflex you've enforced upon people. It is fucking hillarious. So cheers dog.
Well im glad my objectives are partially achieved after all.

BTW if you read this thread title fast enough it looks like you are actually calling me poser, thats cool i like that i am the top Poser of the forum now i shall do stupid polls about numetal, pick the most hated band and begin a L.A. based fan club for that band, and also start myself a anti fanclub for the former club myself.

Damn it Wolff you give me ideas without even trying, you must stop playing with my mind!...or not
Originally posted by Wolff
Fanclub is the least I can do. I mean you're a fucking trooper. For example the fanclub thread... some abuse was about to go on, and then you come... and everyone ducked. It's like they know what's like arguing with you, so they all they disappeared. I fucken love that... Pavlovian reflex you've enforced upon people. It is fucking hillarious. So cheers dog.

I find it hillarious when someone does get into an argument with Misanthrope. His verbal duel with Satori over racism is a fuckin classic!

However, this "reflex" isn't out of fear or respect, it's of anticipation of senseless, immature drivel, which no one can seriously argue with.
Originally posted by Belial

I find it hillarious when someone does get into an argument with Misanthrope. His verbal duel with Satori over racism is a fuckin classic!

However, this "reflex" isn't out of fear or respect, it's of anticipation of senseless, immature drivel, which no one can seriously argue with.

Belial gets it. And I'm sure Satori is enlightened enough to see that. Thumbs up lads.
Yeap, I only post on this forum, nowhere else. And it's not that hard to rack up the posts when you're an insomniac and type 90 words per minute :p

The word association thread is the best place to rack it up :p