Tori Amos

I wouldn't say she "copied" Kate Bush but she was obviously inspired by her work.

As for Tori.
I recommend Little Earthquakes, Boys From Pele and my fav, Chiorgirl Hotel.
Definitely get Little Earthquakes and Boys for Pele. The former has one of the most emotional songs I've ever heard in "Me and a Gun" and "Winter" is a great song as well. Yeah, definitely get those two albums.

I saw her live in Nov. '01, and she put an amazing show. She played a great cover of James Taylor's "Carolina In My Mind" and had the majority of the crowd in tears (herself included) when she played "Me and a Gun" with her parents also in the attendance. Man, I love her voice. :)
Tori Amos is brilliant, I love her music. Ive seen her live 3 times (hopfuly a 4th in April) and shes phenominal live. Personally I'd recomend buying either Little Earthquakes or Under the Pink first. Boys for Pele, though it has some of her best work on it, is highly inaccessable and she fucking goes out of her vocal range to make some painful sounds. Overall I'd say her first five are all brilliant. The past two are ok, but not up to her standards
VicRattlhd502 said:
Do you suppose that Tori Amos and Dave Mustaine might be
(distant) cousins? :lol: They both kinda have the same
facial features and almost the same color hair!

LOL quite true cuz if you've seen Dave's sister on the VH1 Megadeth special-she looks a bit like her too!
Under the Pink is a classic -- Little Earthquakes is great -- Boys From Pele is almost epic :eek: Tho a bit different to the previous two :) Haven't heard anything since, though :(