Total Recall (2012)

Look at the cast though. Good god it looks so much better than the original. The director has one good movie under his belt too and a few crummy ones. Fortnuately his last was his best.

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There has just been so many remakes lately. I really would like to attend a movie at a theater that is fresh and original. The last one I saw was Inception. I loved the original Total Recall so of course I am going to see this new one.

Terrible picture of me and Mike Champion

better than the original? holy shit you must be joking. are you 15 years old? the original cast is awesome. arnold, mike ironside? and a young, hot sharon stone?

the original Total Recall is one of the best action movies ever. back in the day action movies were just that: pure, action-packed, plot-driven, bloody romps. the last line of these movies died out in the early-mid 1990's and then they got replaced by these gay action/comedy fuck ups that we have now. the best pure action movies ever are Total Recall, Die Hard 1 and Predator. fuck with me on this and i'll be angry and come after you.
better than the original? holy shit you must be joking. are you 15 years old? the original cast is awesome. arnold, mike ironside? and a young, hot sharon stone?

the original Total Recall is one of the best action movies ever. back in the day action movies were just that: pure, action-packed, plot-driven, bloody romps. the last line of these movies died out in the early-mid 1990's and then they got replaced by these gay action/comedy fuck ups that we have now. the best pure action movies ever are Total Recall, Die Hard 1 and Predator. fuck with me on this and i'll be angry and come after you.

Nostaliga is funny like that. The original Total Recall (and to a lesser extent Predator) was also one of my favorite sci-fi movies, but the cast was nothing special if you remove the "Arnold Factor". Sharon Stone obviously had chops in her prime, but she had a pretty small role in that movie, and Michael Ironside is the same in every single movie. So yeah, your nostalgia + Arnold means that obviously it had a better cast overall? Oookaaaay...

You know, if the movie turns out to be shit, you can laugh. Conversely, don't claim it sucks if it doesn't just because it's a remake without your childhood favorites or whatever.

Oh, and for the record, Bruce Willis >>>>>> Arnold >>> Stallone. The everyman who can actually do more than just pump iron and talk like he has pudding in his mouth. I think Demolition Man was the only Stallone movie that I truly enjoyed (No need to start waxing Rocky/Rambo). At least in the first two Terminator movies you don't have to listen to Arnold talk that much, and when he does it fits his character.
The original is a wonderful piece of cinema. I would be willing to bet $100 this is a very lame remake which will offer nothing new.
The original is a wonderful piece of cinema. I would be willing to bet $100 this is a very lame remake which will offer nothing new.

Most remakes suck. Or at least most remakes that I actually know are remakes tend to suck, but there have been a handful of pretty good remakes of some 50's - 70's movies.

Both The Departed and Let Me In could be considered remakes, and neither of them sucked, but they were also not really "better" than the originals either unless you simply hate subtitles. Casino Royale, King Kong, Scarface, The Thing (John Carpenter's) and War of the Worlds were all pretty good too. I haven't seen the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake yet, but that is also supposed to be really good (the original trilogy was great).

I'm not even really assuming that this movie will end up being better than the original, only that the cast is better. Of course, it ultimately falls on Colin Farrell to make me believe that he's capable as an "action" star. I can't think of any movies with him where he's ever been convincing in that role. But then Matt Damon was the last person you would think of in that regard too before the Bourne movies.
Remakes aren't terrible and and of themselves. It entirely depends on the motives for the remake and the creative team behind it. Total Recall looks like a kind of cash in, from my point of view, while things like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo are something of an artistic masterpiece in its own right.
Has anyone read the book actually??? The movie was terrible compared to the book, so I'm actually looking forward to the remake.

Owwww, and btw Stallone >>>>> Everyone else, whose name's not Clint Eastwood. Man, he was Rocky!
Most remakes suck. Or at least most remakes that I actually know are remakes tend to suck, but there have been a handful of pretty good remakes of some 50's - 70's movies.

Both The Departed and Let Me In could be considered remakes, and neither of them sucked, but they were also not really "better" than the originals either unless you simply hate subtitles. Casino Royale, King Kong, Scarface, The Thing (John Carpenter's) and War of the Worlds were all pretty good too. I haven't seen the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake yet, but that is also supposed to be really good (the original trilogy was great).

I'm not even really assuming that this movie will end up being better than the original, only that the cast is better. Of course, it ultimately falls on Colin Farrell to make me believe that he's capable as an "action" star. I can't think of any movies with him where he's ever been convincing in that role. But then Matt Damon was the last person you would think of in that regard too before the Bourne movies.

Matt Damon can act though. Colin Farrell can't.
The original was amazing (though didn't follow the book really) and I'm betting the remake will be pretty awful. The story itself is really good though (phillip k dick stories are amazing) so maybe if they followed the story and did it in a new way it could be not atrocious. My hopes are low but it would be nice to be totally surprised.
That's why

If they made a remake of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, would you go see it? Of course you would. There have been a ton of shitty remakes in the past several years, but when they remake one of your favorite films you are going to watch it, regardless of any circumstance.

*throws money at screen*

Fuck you hollywood.
Paul Verhoeven > This loser.

Robocop > Everything.

Robocop and Starship Troopers in movie commercials > everything.

If they made a remake of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, would you go see it? Of course you would. There have been a ton of shitty remakes in the past several years, but when they remake one of your favorite films you are going to watch it, regardless of any circumstance.

*throws money at screen*

Fuck you hollywood.

You know what remake would really suck? If George Lucas remade the original trilogy.

Oh wait...