totally n00b firewire question


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
Guys, this reeks of n00b, but I have a quick question. I have NEVER owned a firewire device!!

I have always owned PCI based sound cards for my recording. However, after moving into an apt where I just CANT make enough noise, I need to start tracking vocals elsewhere..

What better place then my car :D Or a friends place!!!

Anyhow, this is where the n00b comes in.

Do Firewire devices allow me to record my vocals in realtime through Cubase while monitoring. Im not sure what sort of latency one gets through a firewire device?! Ive always had 2-3ms of latency in Cubase on my desktop , but Im worried that when tracking in realtime I will have latency, and or an echo from singing in realtime to what comes back through the headphones....


Any help is appreciated!