Totally off topic---

Bahahahaha, Shaye, that is amazing. I can see it now:
"I'm a Vampire who is a member of the League of Temperence."
"I have sworn off human blood!"

lol, it went almost EXACTLY like that. And you should have seen my boss's face when I elaborated that I'd gone cold bat. :p I even printed out Wiki's description of the League and posted it outside my cube.

btw, I just finished Going Postal, and nearly hurt myself laughing at these two parts:
Moist was sure they kept doctors around to cow patients. Nyer, nyer, we know what you look like underneath...

(the character, Moist, is trying to rescue a cat, Tiddles, from a burning building)
It was a good plan and it was only spoiled when he spotted the cat, downin the hall. It was watching him with interest.
"Tiddles!" bellowed Moist. He wished he hadn't. It was such a stupid name to shout in a burning building.

I'm no onto Thud! And already one of the characters has asked "War, huh! What is it good for?" :D

I've approached Pratchett kinda weird... I read what they had in the library first, all more recent books, and Going Postal was, I believe my first. Then I started with the first and so I am coming at it from both ends. :D Loved both GP and Thud!. I think Urban just started Thud! but I could be wrong.

I went to work dressed as myself:


I thought about going in costume, but only once a year, do I NOT have to dress up for work.

The Department head LOVED it... And I even had a couple people ask where I got my "costume". When I told them my closet, the look on their face was priceless.

That's a good pictre, MR. :) And suprising people like that is always hilarious. :D

Yardley: You should! I got Met-Al hooked on the Discworld! He can't wait to start on the next book in the series. He just finished with Mort. That's the one where the Grim Reaper gets an apprentice. :D
oooh, oooh, count me in! :)

Btw, for Halloween here at work, I dressed as a vampire... and wore a black ribbon! :) Of course, I had to explain it to everyone, who kind of looked at me then like they were scared, but... you guys would've appreciated it!!



Going as a vampire: not particularly different for yer average Halloween
Going as a Black-ribboner: brilliant! :kickass:

I liked the vampire character in Discworld who was also a photog for the Ankh-Morpork paper. *FLASH* *ashes* (get vial of blood, pour on ashes) *reconstitute* "I'm back!" :lol:

I think it's about time for Pratchett to give us more material involving the City Watch -- always a laugh-riot -- and Unseen University. They've been scarce for a while, now.
You mean Otto Chriek? He's amazing. Vimes noted in Thud! that Otto looks harmless because he's funny to people. Which means that Otto is really very smart about it. If they think you're funny, they think you're harmless. Vimes is sharp. :D

I'm glad that they did another one about the Post Office. I liked reading about Moist and Ms. Dearheart. And of course, Tiddles, the cat.