Totally raw rough mix of my band


Aug 29, 2006
Austin, TX
This is about halfway done...lots of reamping, samples, synths, and production experimentation to be added. Vocals purposely mixed low so we can hone in on the performance. I would barely even call it a rough mix. Pretty much everthing was done using analog equipment outside of Nuendo and there's no sample replacement going on. Didn't post this in Rate My Mix b/c this has all been done outside of my hands thusfar from an engineering aspect. Very bass heavy, so start it with low volume.

Any advice on the mix would be appreciated.
Brett, not trying to be a jerk, but how can we rate the mix if the guitars aren't reamped or there aren't vocals sat in yet?

We can't really figure out where there are going to be problems or conflicts between instruments yet if you haven't really mixed it.

I think that the drums need more power.

I like the arrangement, I'll tell you that one. This sounds like it will get super dynamic when you autotmate it and really get your minor details down.

The bass has to go down, I'll say that much.

Cool song so far.
Sorry I wasn't more clear...these base tones are are decently close approximation of what we want the final guitars and bass to sound like from a core tone standpoint. My rant was more of a warning that the song may sound boring b/c there's a lot of layers missing. So as a raw starting point, how does it sound?

Sorry, man...but I don't really hear breakdowns in our music.
haha wow that was terrible . We butter our bread with butter? Wow.

i think if they really rolled with it and made the song like half hour long and slowed it down SOOOOO much that it ended up being pure drone by the end of it, it would be fucking brilliant!
loving the vibe at the start... feels like I'm standing in the middle of the room with you playing around me. Doesn't sound overly raw to my ears at all but post again when you have a good mix down, i'd love to hear those guitars crush my life to shitty nothingness :kickass:
loving the vibe at the start... feels like I'm standing in the middle of the room with you playing around me. Doesn't sound overly raw to my ears at all but post again when you have a good mix down, i'd love to hear those guitars crush my life to shitty nothingness :kickass:

Thanks! These guitars are just Orange Rockerverb, but we're going to reamp through the Orange and my Dual Rectifier. Should be ridiculously crushing once it's all said and done.