ToTT 2

Feb 13, 2002
Rimouski, Quebec Canada
From Blabbermouth:

'THRASH OF THE TITANS 2' Organizer Speaks Out - June 5, 2004 The organizer of the upcoming "Thrash of the Titans 2" benefit concert in the San Francisco Bay Area has posted a message on the BLABBERMOUTH.NET comment board offering more details about the proposed show, which is tentatively due to take place in October. His message reads as follows:

"My name is Keith Regan and I am the father of the child with cancer. His name is Cole. I asked [TESTAMENT vocalist] Chuck Billy if he could help us raise some awareness for Cole's Cure and my family and he said yes! I have asked a few others to help me coordinate and help set up the show, inspire bands to play the show and make sure this event is as awesome as it can be.

"I would like to make one thing very clear: Whoever posted this article was speaking out of turn and is not someone helping out with this event. Although this posting was going to be announced soon, the timing was off. We are very close to a number of bands joining the show which is going to be titled 'Thrash of the Titans CANCER SUCKS In Association With Cole's Cure'. At that time a press release, band list, venue, date and cost of tickets will be announced.

"Unless you see a posting here on the [BLABBERMOUTH.NET] forum with 'colescure' as the screen name, the information will not be official and the contents of that posting may not be accurate.

"First, I will do everything in my power to not bastardize this show and make any claims to make this better then the first — it will never happen! Second, having a couple of newer bands on the bill is not going against everything ['Thrash of the Titans'] stands for. ['Thrash of the Titans'] was meant for a small group of friends and family to get together and help and support a family member and their family while they were down — nothing else. The fact that such an awe-inspiring event took place was an excellent bonus for you, the fans and the families themselves! I am meaning Chuck and the bands who participated as well as all the people behind the scenes of the show as well.

"I am always available to answer questions and or comments and will try to respond to them as quickly as I can. I am the father of a child who was born with leukemia as well as a husband to my beautiful wife. My days and nights are spent with both of them as well as starting up Cole's Cure and this show. My time is limited but I will do what I can for all of your questions."

Keith Regan's contact information is as follows:

(510) 288-1321 fax

The original "Thrash of The Titans" concert took place in August 2001 in San Francisco and featured performances by HEATHEN, FORBIDDEN EVIL (a.k.a. FORBIDDEN), FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, SADUS, ANTHRAX, S.O.D., DEATH ANGEL, EXODUS and TESTAMENT/LEGACY. Reality Check TV's coverage of the event is still available for free streaming at this location (28 minutes, Windows Media player required).