Tour report #2


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
4- Orlando. Great show, picked on 2 lesbians and their mom. There was a girl in that club that was fucking smoking hot. 78 people and 2 awesome bands opening. Did I mention how huge this girls tits were??..

5- Tampa, Great show. Couple of guys from CAnnibal Corpse showed up. Rob BArret who toured with hate plow in support of SOD in 2000 was in the house.
This club the brass mug were fucking awesome.

6- Gainsville, the Atlantic- Great show, 65 people or so. Never played here ever. Liberal college town. Boo Boo my girl ruled the night, I sand pussy whipped to her. This club and people there were fucking great. I have several girls under 22 come up to me and say they loved us. We are getting young fans into us.Oh no, I have to do MOD for another 10 years.

7 Jacksonville, Jack Rabbits. We supported Agent Orange again. Had a couple people drunk in the audience. we walked off stage for 10 minutes and drank beer in front of everyone until we decided to continue playing. End of the show, you kids again loved us. Liberal hippies hated us.. Woo HOO..
people in this club were cool as hell