Tour rumour


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
Hi. I heard this on the grapevine from a pretty reliable source, but don't shoot me if it turns out to be crap! This may be old news but a tour is being put together for Opeth, Therion, Anathema and also possibly Hollenthon.. Starts in late November.

What a bill!

Lee B
As far as I know , Opeth is going to tour in November but with Katatonia, I live in Belgium and the date is 10 November in Vosselaar, there is also a date confirmed for the Netherlands. Maybe other bands will join, we'll see:)
yeah i heard that opeth and katatonia are playing in ireland, hmn that would mean it would make sense to go to england too :) , wow if u live in ireland u r lucky buggers!, hmn as for the other bands, hmn, i think that would make great support, sorta like a peacefest only not :) , i'd guess anathema could play a big event in liverpool sorta like a homecoming thingy, hope they all come london:heh: .
Well I hope you guys don't mind but I'm going to go with the (infrequently updated) news section on the official home page, suggesting that Opeth are STILL looking to tour in Australia. I think if they'd finally decided to scrap that, then they'd have fixed it up on the sight already. Feel free to tell me what your sources are for the respective Belgium, Netherlands, Finland, and Ireland? gigs. Mabey it's just me, but I doubt they can cover 6 countries (Aus and Japan don't forget) in a month or less. Some people are going to feel very left-out (and pissed off for that matter) when the official gigs are announced.......:cry:
That would be one hell of a tour...thanks to everybody who recommended Hollenthon to me, I looked for Fire Upon The Blade and Woe To The Defeated exactly as suggested and I thought they were excellent symphonic metal. I'm also desperately seeking information on the new Therion...I've seen release dates and the album cover, but no tracklisting or advance reviews yet.
Opeth, Therion, Anathema and also possibly HOLLENTHON! WOW! That would be huge! (any chance of a live webcast perhaps?) Interesting rumour also Lee! Ha ha We almost have enough to fill a 'rumoured tours' page! I am just enjoying the fact Opeth are touring. They will play Australia sooner or later!
Yes, FINLAND!!! Speaking of this tour, they better come here in 2001 or not at all, because I'll take no responsibility for my actions if I know they're here but I'm not able to go see them. Military service :mad:
Originally posted by Vortex
Yes, FINLAND!!! Speaking of this tour, they better come here in 2001 or not at all, because I'll take no responsibility for my actions if I know they're here but I'm not able to go see them.

The next Mika Muranen - case? :heh: