tour with Nocturnal Rites and Edguy


vanquish the pain
Oct 5, 2001
ensamhetens vildmark
time flies.....the "tour" already starts to tomorrow!! I hope I'm not too late but I just wanted to wish you guys all the best, hopefully you'll enjoy yourselves a little!

Would be cool if someone who gets to see one of the shows kept us a little informed about the happenings in Sweden and Finland :)
I just feel sorry for the poor people in Gothenburgh. I shan't get much sleep tonight, the train leaves in 2 hours and we won't arrive until noon so I can honestly say I very much doubt I'll be able to sing properly. If I don't get to sleep I sing like, well, name anyone or anything with a poor voice. ...but sometimes it works just like a charm anyway... :Spin:
Urban breed said:
I just feel sorry for the poor people in Gothenburgh. I shan't get much sleep tonight, the train leaves in 2 hours and we won't arrive until noon so I can honestly say I very much doubt I'll be able to sing properly. If I don't get to sleep I sing like, well, name anyone or anything with a poor voice. ...but sometimes it works just like a charm anyway... :Spin:

Jadu lilla Urban.. kan nog inte hålla med dig där ;) Du och Jonny hade en tuff fight om bästa sångaren för dagen. Jag upptäckte er på SRF förra året och tyckte ni var ett av de bättre banden på festivalen. Och ni förvånade mig ännu mer ikväll i gbg. Jag har svårt att förstå hur ni INTE kan spela för fullsatt varje kväll och vara huvudnummer... samma med NR, båda ni 2 borde vara huvudband. Aja konserten va grym ha de gött!
NoCc said:
Jadu lilla Urban.. kan nog inte hålla med dig där ;) Du och Jonny hade en tuff fight om bästa sångaren för dagen. Jag upptäckte er på SRF förra året och tyckte ni var ett av de bättre banden på festivalen. Och ni förvånade mig ännu mer ikväll i gbg. Jag har svårt att förstå hur ni INTE kan spela för fullsatt varje kväll och vara huvudnummer... samma med NR, båda ni 2 borde vara huvudband. Aja konserten va grym ha de gött!
If you say so. :) ...but I have this feeling that tomorrow will be a KILLER!!
...and everyone needing a translation of the post, well, ask Gaunerin, or possibly Silkie for one. They'll probably enjoy twisting it beyond recognition... Creative translation can be fun.
Urban breed said:
They'll probably enjoy twisting it beyond recognition... Creative translation can be fun.
What? :bah:

NoCc, hellcome the board! Make yourself comfortable and keep posting. But keep in mind not everybody here understands Swedish, so please keep your posts to English, will you? :)
But I agree with you....just gotta hate it to see your favourite bands being support for a band you don't really care about (or you eventually like the main act too but since both bands cannot be headliner they should not be on the same billing :D ). It happens often enough :(
Sounds like the tour went well...

btw ... Urban, sorry I forgot: "Tack för senast, det var kul att råkas."
Hey Urban,

Just wanted to thank you for the gigs you made in Finland. I attended the both shows in front row. I have to say that you guys rocked! I hadn't heard anything of you or Nocturnal Rites before those gigs but that didn't bother me at all. I think I would have heard you sooner or later but I'm happy that it happened this way. It was a real shame that Finnish audience didn't know the songs very well but the atmosphere at Helsinki was very good, don't you think? Any plans on coming back to Finland?

Downloaded Modus Vivendi and I really like it. Of course I'm going to buy it as soon as I have some time and money. I'm not one of those suckers who just download and listen.
Esanssi said:
...but the atmosphere at Helsinki was very good, don't you think? Any plans on coming back to Finland?

Tampere was better for me, but hey, I'm not supposed to please myself, so I had better agree with you.

Esanssi said:
Downloaded Modus Vivendi and I really like it. Of course I'm going to buy it as soon as I have some time and money.
Good policy! I'm all for checking up on whatever you might want to buy.
Urban breed said:
Tampere was better for me, but hey, I'm not supposed to please myself, so I had better agree with you.

Well, there weren't so many people at Tampere? The stage was bigger but the people were even more lame at Tampere that they were in Helsinki. But how was the crowd on both shows?

Good policy! I'm all for checking up on whatever you might want to buy.

Yeah, I'm checking all albums that comes out and almost in all cases buy album at some point. I don't think that I have an album that would be total "shiteater". Almost every album has something good and therefore it's worth buying. And that's reason I never sell any album.

I'm also interested on knowing your point of view on "copy protections"? I refuse on buying any album that has so-called copy protection. The reason is that they don't prevent any copying. You know, when you can play the album you can copy it. Therefore those "protections" only harm us who want to buy their music as cd. Just wanted to know if your label or anyone ever asked your opinion of those protections?
Ugh copy protections... aren't those those nasty things that won't let me copy my own cds onto the computer as mp3's so I can be lazy and not leave the room for the things in the middle of dnd? Lol, thats pretty annoying.

On the other hand I see why bands might want to use them in this day and age, but the annoying thing is that the next time you read the paper you find out that some little creeps found a way around it... and the guy you read about never seems to be doing it so his cds can be listened to without moving, oh no, it always seems to be the guy who intends to give the album to everthing that moves. :Screams in frustration: >:<

Esanssi said:
I'm also interested on knowing your point of view on "copy protections"? I refuse on buying any album that has so-called copy protection. The reason is that they don't prevent any copying. You know, when you can play the album you can copy it. Therefore those "protections" only harm us who want to buy their music as cd. Just wanted to know if your label or anyone ever asked your opinion of those protections?