Touring for the new album

mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
are you actually allowed to drink beers rafael?
Depends on how you put it...

My mum says it's ok...
The law does not...
But I still behave much better than many grownups when I'm drunk...


Mum is ok for letting me drink beer..
The law is stupid, experience comes with the years but letting idiots drink and underaged smartarses (me likeish) don't, but then again it's better to have some few legally drunk idiots than a whole bunch of them...
I think I have the experience needed to drink alcohol...
rafael said:
Depends on how you put it...

My mum says it's ok...
The law does not...
But I still behave much better than many grownups when I'm drunk...


Mum is ok for letting me drink beer..
The law is stupid, experience comes with the years but letting idiots drink and underaged smartarses (me likeish) don't, but then again it's better to have some few legally drunk idiots than a whole bunch of them...
I think I have the experience needed to drink alcohol...

the law says NO, period.