Track fx only in some items in Reaper?


Apr 23, 2009
Hi friends, I need to edit a video audio track that was made with different sources, so I want to apply some fx only on parts of the audio file. I know I can split it in items, but can I send the items to another fx track or putting an fx on the track and affect only the items I wish to process?

Thank you.

The same way, just choose the fx automation you want, there could be from 3 to 25 automation options for every plugin. Should be in the same dialogue as the vol.

Now, I'd retrack unless it's a John Lennon unreleased track you just found.
Select the item you want the fx, press Shit+E* and choose the fx.

The long way is "right click the item -> Take -> Show FX chain for active take"
You could also slap the plugin on the track, and automate it to be muted everywhere except during the items you want it to affect.
whaaat?? see, i never knew that. So lets say for example you want to only apply delay to one word in a verse, you can slice that word and apply the fx to only that item? Will the delay continue even though the item ended?
whaaat?? see, i never knew that. So lets say for example you want to only apply delay to one word in a verse, you can slice that word and apply the fx to only that item? Will the delay continue even though the item ended?

I think it should, yeah. The other way is to have the delay as a send, and automate the send to be only during that one word.
whaaat?? see, i never knew that. So lets say for example you want to only apply delay to one word in a verse, you can slice that word and apply the fx to only that item? Will the delay continue even though the item ended?

Sure. Try it for yourself.

What you´re saying won´t work only if the fx isn´t "live". I mean, if it has been rendered on the take and removed from the fx list. Then the sound will only go as far as the media item go, as there´s no fx "above" it.
Thanks for your help guys. Adam, I know I can use fx for each item; I want to know the best method to process only few items from a long audio file from a video taken from diferent sources, using any kind of send to use less cpu than the same fx in each item.
I think it should, yeah. The other way is to have the delay as a send, and automate the send to be only during that one word.


The way I go about it in Reaper is kinda complicated, but once you get it, it's simple.

Let's say I have a snare hit that I want to saturate with loads of reverb, but there's another hit right in front of it, but I don't want that to trigger the reverb too.

I would make a new track with my desired reverb effect active. Click the "IO" button, and add a recieve from the snare track. Then, click the "ENV" button, and under "Recieve envelopes", check the "Track 1 'Snare' Send Volume" checkbox. A new envelope will open under the original snare track. Bring the envelope down to -inf and add a couple points to send 0.0 db directly underneath your snare hit, then add a couple more points to bring the envelope back down to -inf before the next snare hits.

That's how it's done. No cutting, no offline rendering. A little imagination goes really far, dunnit?

Oh, and before I forget to mention, if you have fx on a separate track, make sure you have no dry signal coming through.

If that confuses you a bit, I can try to upload a pic to show you what I'm doing. I just finished a track using that technique, and it's fairly simple.
Thank You RedDog! If you can upload an image it will be good to complety understand your method.

Thank you all too.