Tragedy In The Metal World!!

May 17, 2003
wichita, KS
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If You Haven't Heard It's A Sad Day, Iced Earth Singer Matthew Barlow Has Left The Band And Their New Cd Is Put On Hold. I Understand His Reasons For Leaving And He Will Truly Be Missed. In My Opinion He Is Among One Of The Best Vocalist(along With Bruce Dickinson , Zak Stevens , And Tobias Sammet) In The Metal Industry.
In my opinion, who cares. And not for nothing, before I clicked on your post, you had me thinking someone passed away or something with your "Tragedy in the Metal World." post. Band members leave all the time, for example, Kiske, Matos, Damian Wilson, Roland Grapow, Uli Kusch, Zak Stevens, Bruce Dickinson, etc... Let's not get carried away here.
If You Haven't Heard It's A Sad Day, Iced Earth Singer Matthew Barlow Has Left The Band And Their New Cd Is Put On Hold. I Understand His Reasons For Leaving And He Will Truly Be Missed. In My Opinion He Is Among One Of The Best Vocalist(along With Bruce Dickinson , Zak Stevens , And Tobias Sammet) In The Metal Industry.

Tragedy? This is more of a celebration...
First Larry, and then Matthew; I guess SPV is shitting bricks right about now.

I did like Matthew's voice; he was definitely unique, and was a major factor in finally getting me interested in Iced Earth's music. I will still give them a listen when the new CD finally comes out, featuring whatever new singer Jon chooses. Who knows? Maybe some new pipes will actually be just what the band needed to take them to the next level.

I thought Savatage was over when Jon stepped aside and Zak came along...I was mistaken.
Hail and Kill said:
Tragedy? This is more of a celebration...

And your an idiot. Matt Barlow is one of the best american Power Metal vocalists to ever grace the genre. Go listen to fucking Rhapsody!

nightwish58 said:
In my opinion, who cares. And not for nothing, before I clicked on your post, you had me thinking someone passed away or something with your "Tragedy in the Metal World." post. Band members leave all the time, for example, Kiske, Matos, Damian Wilson, Roland Grapow, Uli Kusch, Zak Stevens, Bruce Dickinson, etc... Let's not get carried away here.

Number A, you don't have to shout. Do you know how many internet etiquette laws you are breaking by talking in all caps like that? are breaking just one... Don't talk in all caps... Anyways

You can even look right at Iced Earth for a good example of why this isn't a big deal. That band has gone through like 12 different members over the
years. Jon is, as far as I know, the only original member of the band. So as much as I liked Barlow as their lead singer I definately wouldn't call this a tragedy. Actually, it would probably be more of a tragedy if Matt just stuck with the band even though he didn't "feel it" anymore.
When a replacement comes, always is a 50% chance is going to suck.
For example:

Iron Maiden with Blaze
Van Halen
Yngwie Malmsteen Band Members (You never know)

Don’t Suck
Angra with Edu
Kamelot with Kahn
Symphony X with Sir Russ

Let’s hope nothing wrong happens!!!!
Well, it got me pretty depressed to know that Matt Barlow is out of Iced Earth. He was indeed a great vocalist, but in my opinion he could not be considered one of the best ones ever in the metal scene...
Anyway, I hope Schaffer find someone better, or at least as good as Barlow to replace him... can't wait to listen to the new album by Iced Earth...
A tragedy? No.

A true loss to Metal? Certainly.

In my opinion, Matthew Barlow was the best vocalist in Metal. It's sad that he has left Iced Earth. It's even sadder that he has left Metal. I'm thankful I had the chance to see/hear him perform twice on Iced Earth's most recent tour. He was absolutely fantastic. I wish him well on his new path. I hope he finds what he's looking for.

I think Iced Earth is in for some stormy weather. You don't replace a singer like Barlow. What he brought was just too intrinsic to the success of the music, regardless of what Jon publicly say. Although I have long considered Iced Earth one of my two or three favorite bands, I've always recognized that they were a good Power Metal band, with a phenomenal lead singer.

Hmm, I do think its a loss of what has BECOME a great American metal voice. I don't think he was always as good as he is now. However, I do think Iced Earth needs something new to spark some creative juices and get them to progress. They're always good, at times great, but I always feel like Jon has yet to tap the full potential of his trademark guitar style and writing ability. Some moments on Horror Show were excellent, some were the same old thing. My question is this - what type of vocalist should replace Barlow? Someone with similarly aggressive pipes, or maybe like...the now unused Tim Aymar (Control Denied). I don't think he'd necessarily work because he's very traditional, but dammit I want to see that guy do something other than...Psycho Scream. :| Rick Mythiasin is also available, and I think he's damn awesome, but by alla ccounts is flaky. Eh, who knows, probably be some guy no ones heard of yet.
Pharaoh, eh. Must say i've heard nary a single word of them! I see in your little plug in your signature you have an interview with them...I must see what the good word is on them, then.